School NewsSupporting the Safe Provision of Schooling
Please find link to Minister for Education Norma Foley's letter to all parents. So, we have nearly made it to the summer holidays. Well done everyone! We have some fun activities lined up for our final few days. Here’s what we suggest for all class groups: Please Note: Read Wednesday’s activity in advance in order to be ready to go on Wednesday!
Monday Virtual School Tour – this year, we’re all off to the zoo! Explore the zoo through this interactive map. Click this link to learn lots about all the animals. Check out the live webcams to see what is going on right now in the Elephant, Penguin and African Savanna enclosures.
You’ll need some people to compete against in our Sports Day on Tuesday. Create a poster to advertise the sports day for your family members. Here is a template you may use or look at for ideas:
Tuesday Sports Day Hopefully, we get lovely weather for our sports day. We have lots of activities ready for you to take part in. You can choose which activities are most interesting to you. Maybe you can get all the family involved. Who do you think will be best at each activity? Of course, you need a medal for taking part in Sports Day. We have a printable medal for you to colour and cut out. Follow this link to find all the resources:
Wednesday Video Assembly We will be inviting everyone to get together with your class for an assembly to see everyone before the summer break. This will be done via Webex. A link will be privately sent to all parents via text for your child’s assembly. If you wish to also receive the link by email, please send a message from a parent’s email account only to the appropriate email account below: Ms. Sheridan’s Class at 10.00am: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Ms. Creamer’s Class at 11.30am: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Ms. Brady’s Class at 1.00pm: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
By clicking the link, sent to parents only, your consent for your child to take part is assumed. We also ask that pupils are supervised during the assembly. To help our assemblies run smoothly, please:
Guidelines for pupils:
We hope that everyone can join us for their assembly. Let’s hope the internet connection gremlins stay away!
Thursday Cook Off Today, we challenge you to choose a recipe, gather your ingredients and follow the recipe to make something delicious. It can be as simple or as complicated as you like. Why not try a smoothie/milkshake, pancakes, rice krispie buns, cupcakes, pasta dishes, home made pizza, or even dinner for the whole family! You could check what ingredients you already have and decide what to make then. These links have some child friendly recipes that may help get you started.
If you would like to take some photos of your child/children completing the Sports Day, School Tour, Cook Off or their Sports Day Poster and would like to share them with us, you can send them to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. These photos will be combined together and shown to the children in school in September.
Finally, we would like to wish all our pupils and their families and the entire school community a safe, healthy and happy summer break. We look forward to seeing you all back in school in September. Hi everyone, I hope everyone is well. Did you all enjoy your creative activities last week? Can you believe we’re nearly finished this unique term of school? We are so proud of you all for coping with so much change recently. I’m sure you’ve all built a great sense of resilience and learned that you can get through anything with some help and support. There won’t be any hard work to complete next week, so this will be the final week of full school work. Everyone’s health and wellbeing is what matters most at this time, so please:
All pupils are encouraged to: 1. Watch RTE Home School Hub daily (11 – 12 o’clock) and complete activities/projects they set for your class level. You will find the activities at: (1st – 6th class) 2. Spend time every day reading something you’ll enjoy. Reading is so important, so please prioritise some reading every day. Perhaps this week, look up some poetry to read. Check out some poems at this link: 3. Choose some more articles and other interesting things to read this week from News Flash, Primary Planet and Eipic. Find them at this link: The website also adds some fun activities daily, including a great mental maths challenge. Why not give some of the activities a go. 4. Wellbeing At Home – You’ve had a lot of change to deal with lately, and that can be difficult. It’s important to look after your mind at times like this, so I’d like you all to complete some activities from the Weaving Wellbeing At Home booklet at this link: 5. Art – Next Sunday is Father’s Day. Why not put your artistic skills into action and make a really special card or gift for dad or another very special person in your life e.g. Grandad, Uncle, etc.
6th Class only: This booklet contains activities that will help you to prepare for your transition to secondary school: This booklet is also available to download from:
English We will continue to practice spellings with the Forest Phonics game below. It works on lots of different sound blends. Choose 3 or 4 different blends this week to work on. (If it is difficult, focus on less blends.) Make some lists of words that use the blends you choose to work on. You could look some up in the dictionary and put some of them into sentences. Here is another good website to help you work on your spelling skills 4th, 5th & 6th Class Revise Unit 4, 5 and 6, ask someone to test you at the end of the week.
Handwriting Please complete 1 page in your handwriting workbook.
1st Class Read and complete activities for unit 20 of Two Little Frogs. 2nd Class Read and complete activities for unit 20 of The Green Genie. 3rd Class Read and complete activities for the next Unit in A Way With Words 3. Make sure to write neatly with your pen. 4th Class A Way with Words 4: Unit 16: A Town called Chicken p78 - 83 5th & 6th Class A Way with Words 6: Unit 16: Close Encounter of the Odd Kind p78 - 83
Maths 1st Class This week, you will complete chapter Addition 7 (starts on p.149) Pay close attention to the number patterns you will be using. Play a range of games on Topmarks. Tables (-12) Ask someone to test you at the end of the week. 2nd Class This week, you will complete chapter Addition and Subtraction Word Problems (starts on p.150) Don’t forget to read the questions very carefully to decide whether you add or take away. Be especially careful with more (+) and more than (-) Use your RUDE strategy – Read, Underline, Draw/Decide, Estimate The words in this link may help you remember which words to look out for. Play a range of maths games on Topmarks. Tables (Revise all subtraction) Ask someone to test you at the end of the week. (Just ask 10 or so) 3rd Class This week, you will complete chapter Number Sentences (starts on p.181) An example of a number sentence is 3 + 2 = 5. Often, we would be asked to find the part after the equals (3 + 2 = __) but in this chapter, we will figure out other parts of the number sentence, e.g. 3 + __ = 5 3 __ 2 = 5 3 + 2 __ 5 Usually, we solve a word problem by making it into a number sentence and finding the answer, but in this chapter you will also make a story/word problem that matches a number sentence. Play a range of maths games on Topmarks. Tables (divide by 10 and 11) Ask someone to test you at the end of the week. 4th, 5th & 6th Class Next 3 pages from Maths Book into Maths Copy. Go over both Multiplication and Division Tables, ask someone to test you at the end of the week. Online Maths Games.
Gaeilge I understand that many parents will find it challenging to support pupils with Irish. Encourage pupils to try their best but if it causes stress, don’t hesitate to leave it. If you do not know how to read/pronounce a word, try using or Watch a cartoon of your choice on Cúla4, at least twice in the week. Don’t worry about understanding the words – it’s still great to listen, and it’s kind of fun. I hope you’re enjoying this activity. If you would like to hear more spoken Irish and challenge yourself, watch Cula4 Ar Scoil, 10am Monday – Friday on TG4. They will be teaching different subjects as gaeilge. 1st and 2nd Class We should all be finished with our Bua na Cainte book at this stage. This week, we will go over some songs and words we learned earlier this year. Songs to revise: B na C app - Me Féin – Cé Atá Sa Phictiúr, Ceann, Gualainn, Glúin is Cos Words to revise can be found at this link: 3rd Class Complete p.168 and 169. Revise words and phrases associated with weather. It may help if you look back over the Aimsir section beginning on p.83 before trying to answer the questions. 4th Class Béal Beo 4, Ar Thaistil Tú? agus Is Eireannach Mé P190 – 197 Litrigh É Linn 4, p71 & 72 5th & 6th Class Béal Beo 5, Dul Siar P176 – 181 Litrigh É Linn 5, p81 & 82 4th, 5th & 6th Class In addition to the above please find two links below: This link contains some lovely stories in Irish. This link is useful for the revision of the Aimsir Chaite agus Aimsir Láithreach. Week beginning 15th June 2020 Dear Parents, I hope you and your children are all keeping well. Please find below a list of suggested work for this week. If some areas are not completed please don’t worry. Just a reminder to parents to please review the farm safety powerpoint from the HSA and discuss with your child/children. Again please also have a look at the Water Safety Awareness website: and discuss the importance of this with your child/children as hopefully the good weather will return soon. As there is now a hose pipe ban in operation and Irish Water have said that supplies are low, discuss ways that your household can reduce the amount of water you use. Thanks, Ms. Sheridan
Junior Infants Monday Reading – As we have finished our reader ‘The Lost Ball’ please pick a book from home and begin reading it with your parent/guardian. Choose 1/2 pages a day. Alternatively Cavan County Library are operating a contact and collect service. Details can be found on their website. Maths – Combining (Continuation from last week) Page 112 – Draw the correct number of shapes in the box and write the number. Gaeilge - Bua na Cainte: Siopadoireacht Ceacht 2: Amhrán, Scéal, Cluiche p.48 SESE – Eco Explorers Club – Topic 2 Biodiversity Protecting Nature Today we are looking at Protecting Biodiversity – An Animated Series Religion – Going to Mass on Sundays – Grow in Love P.52 Discuss with your child a time that they went to mass. Who did they see there? What happened at mass? Was there any singing? etc. Although we cannot attend mass at the minute maybe if there was some spare time this week you could visit your local church with your child (In line with social distancing guidelines). You could say a prayer, light a candle and have a little look around the church. Reading Activity Book – Pages 35 & 36 Tuesday Reading – Read 1/2 pages a day from chosen reader. Maths – Page 113 Gaeilge – Bua na Cainte: Siopadoireacht Ceacht 3: Amhrán, Scéal, Cluiche p.49 SESE – Eco Explorers Club – Topic 2 Biodiversity Protecting Nature Learning about Protecting Nature with Reuben The Entertainer & Mia McCarthy Reading Activity Book – Page 37 & 38 PE – PE with Joe Wicks Wednesday Reading – Read 1/2 pages a day from chosen reader. Maths – Page 114 & 115 Gaeilge – Bua na Cainte: Siopadoireacht Ceacht 4: Amhrán, Scéal, Cluiche p.50 SESE – Eco Explorers Club - Join us at Dublin Zoo for a Virtual Tour Reading Activity Book – Page 39 & 40 PE – PE with Joe Wicks Thursday Reading – Read 1/2 pages a day from chosen reader. Maths – Page 116 Gaeilge – Bua na Cainte: Siopadoireacht Ceacht 5: Amhrán, Scéal, Cluiche Art/SESE – Eco Explorers Club Draw with Don - Get creative and discover butterflies and bees Reading Activity Book – Page 41 PE – PE with Joe Wicks Friday Reading – Read 1/2 pages a day from chosen reader. Maths – Page 117 Gaeilge – Bua na Cainte: Siopadoireacht Ceacht 6: Amhrán, Scéal, Cluiche PE/SESE – Eco Explorers Club – New Yoga with Caragh Reading Activity Book – Page 42 & 43 Writing – Write 2 or more sentences about what you learnt this week about Biodiversity Protecting Nature. What can you do to help? Writing can be done in free writing copies.
Senior Infants Monday Reading – Pages 24 & 25. Go over any new words. Spelling – Unit 18 Learn 2/3 words a day and complete 2/3 activities a day in spelling workbook. Maths – Analysis of number (Continuation from last week) Page 129. You can use the 10 frame or simply use pasta shells, coins, crayons and group them, eg. 3 coins and 2 coins and 1 coin equals 6 coins Gaeilge – Bua na Cainte: Siopadoireacht Ceacht 2: Amhrán, Scéal, Cluiche p.48 SESE – Eco Explorers Club – Topic 2 Biodiversity Protecting Nature Today we are looking at Protecting Biodiversity – An Animated Series Religion – Going to Mass on Sundays – Grow in Love P.52 Discuss with your child a time that they went to mass. Who did they see there? What happened at mass? Was there any singing? etc. Although we cannot attend mass at the minute maybe if there was some spare time this week you could visit your local church with your child (In line with social distancing guidelines). You could say a prayer, light a candle and have a little look around the church. Reading Activity Book – P. 53 – write the correct word. Tuesday Reading – Pages 26 & 27. Go over any new words. Spelling – Unit 18 Learn 2/3 words a day and complete 2/3 activities a day in spelling workbook. Maths – Page 130 Gaeilge – Bua na Cainte: Siopadoireacht Ceacht 3: Amhrán, Scéal, Cluiche p.49 SESE – Eco Explorers Club – Topic 2 Biodiversity Protecting Nature Learning about Protecting Nature with Reuben The Entertainer & Mia McCarthy PE - PE with Joe Wicks Reading Activity Book – Page 54 & 55 Wednesday Reading – Pages 28 & 29. Go over any new words. Spellings – Unit 18 Maths – Money Page 131 & 132 – Match the coins. If you have coins at home let your child look at them and feel them and try to see the differences between each. (Please note we are only looking at coins up to 20 cent and although 1c and 2c are now being phased out they are still legal tender and you may have a few lying around at home if not don’t worry) Gaeilge – Bua na Cainte: Siopadoireacht Ceacht 4: Amhrán, Scéal, Cluiche p.50 SESE – Eco Explorers Club - Join us at Dublin Zoo for a Virtual Tour Reading Activity Book – Page 56 & 57 PE – PE with Joe Wicks Thursday Reading – Pages 30 & 31. Go over any new words. Spellings – Unit 18 Maths – P.133 & 134 - Shopping Gaeilge – Bua na Cainte: Siopadoireacht Ceacht 5: Amhrán, Scéal, Cluiche Art/SESE – Eco Explorers Club – Draw with Don - Get creative and discover butterflies and bees Reading Activity Book – Page 58 & 59 PE – PE with Joe Wicks Friday Reading – Pages 32. Go over any new words. Well done on finishing your reader. Spellings – Unit 18 Test Maths – Page 135 – How Much? Page 136 – Match Gaeilge – Bua na Cainte: Siopadoireacht Ceacht 6: Amhrán, Scéal, Cluiche PE/SESE – Eco Explorers Club – New Yoga with Caragh Activity Reader – Pages 63 and 64 Writing – Write 4 or more sentences about what you learnt this week about Biodiversity Protecting Nature. What can you do to help? Writing can be done in free writing copies. Hi everyone, Hope you are all keeping well. We are on the home stretch for school work at home. Well done to you all for doing your best, and keep it up for the last few weeks. We’ll try to add in some fun activities along the way. Everyone’s health and wellbeing is what matters most at this time, so please:
All pupils are encouraged to: 1. Watch RTE Home School Hub daily (11 – 12 o’clock) and complete activities/projects they set for your class level. You will find the activities at (1st – 6th class) 2. Spend time every day reading something you’ll enjoy. Reading is so important, so please prioritise some reading every day. 3. Virtual Explore Cavan Challenge – This is the final week for the Virtual Explore Cavan Challenge. Well done for taking part in it. (1000 steps = 1km, 1 skip or jumping jack = climb 1m) Don’t forget to record your progress on the record sheet in this link. Completed record forms can be returned by email to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by Friday 12th June. You do not have to ‘explore’ all the towns or mountains. Whatever goals you have reached is a great achievement and you should be proud of your efforts. 4. There are new editions available of News Flash, Primary Planet and Eipic magazines. Choose some articles and other interesting things to read this week. Find them at this link: The website also adds some fun activities daily, including a great mental maths challenge. Why not give some of the activities a go. 5. Cruinniú na nóg – Ireland’s national day of creativity for children and young people takes part on 13th June. This week, I’m encouraging you to get creative. Sing, dance, bake, write stories and poetry, draw, paint, make your own music… The list goes on. There is no right or wrong way to be creative really. This link has lots of information on activities available to children in Cavan. Even though some of the events have dates in the past, that is when they started but most are continuing until the 13th June. Check them out.
English We will continue to practice spellings with the Forest Phonics game below. It works on lots of different sound blends. Choose 3 or 4 different blends this week to work on. (If it is difficult, focus on less blends.) Make some lists of words that use the blends you choose to work on. You could look some up in the dictionary and put some of them into sentences. Here is another good website to help you work on your spelling skills 4th, 5th & 6th Class Revise Unit 1, 2 and 3, ask someone to test you at the end of the week.
Handwriting Please complete 1 page in your handwriting workbook.
1st Class Read and complete activities for unit 19 of Two Little Frogs. 2nd Class Read and complete activities for unit 19 of The Green Genie. 3rd Class Read and complete activities for unit 30 of The Talking Horse. As I’m sure you have all been practicing neat handwriting, try completing your written work in pen from now on. Your pen licences will be waiting in school for you. 4th Class A Way with Words: Unit 15: A Tents Time, p74 – 77 5th & 6th Class A Way with Words: Unit 15: Frankenstein and Dracula – The Birth of Two Horror Legends, p74 – 77
Maths 1st Class This week, we’ll be looking at money and completing the chapter Money 2 (starts on p.142). You will be learning about coins and amounts up to 50c.Please practice counting up in 2s, 5s and 10s. Start from 0 until this is easy for you, then try starting from other numbers. You could also practice counting backwards in 2s, 5s and 10s to challenge yourself. Using real coins will help you to learn best. Play a range of games on Topmarks including some about money. Tables (-11) Ask someone to test you at the end of the week. 2nd Class This week, we’ll be looking at money and completing the chapter Money 2 (starts on p.145). You will be learning about coins and amounts up to 2 euro. Practice counting up and back in 2s, 5s, 10s and 20s. Start from 0 until this is easy for you, then try starting from other numbers. It is important to remember that there are 100c in 1 euro. If you are finding this difficult, using real coins can really help. Play a range of maths games on Topmarks, including some about money. Tables (-12) Ask someone to test you at the end of the week. 3rd Class We’ll be looking at division again and completing chapter Division 4 (starts on p.157) Don’t forget there are 4 different ways to write a division problem but they all mean the same thing - divide. This time round, we’re learning a short way to divide when we’re dividing big numbers by a number smaller than 10, e.g. 59 divided by 4. It is described and demonstrated for you at the bottom of p.158. This video will also explain and demonstrate. They write the division problem with the line on top and write their answer on top. Your book shows the line under the numbers, and write answers beneath that. Either way is correct as they are just different ways to write a division sum. If they are too difficult, just try your best and we can work on them more when we get back to school. Play a range of maths games on Topmarks. Tables (divide by 9) Ask someone to test you at the end of the week. If you remember the finger trick to help with multiplying by 9, you will be able to use it to help you this week. 4th, 5th & 6th Class Next 3 pages from Maths Book into Maths Copy. Go over both Multiplication and Division Tables, ask someone to test you at the end of the week. Online Maths Games.
Gaeilge I understand that many parents will find it challenging to support pupils with Irish. Encourage pupils to try their best but if it causes stress, don’t hesitate to leave it If you do not know how to read/pronounce a word, try using or Watch a cartoon of your choice on Cúla4, at least twice in the week. Don’t worry about understanding the words – it’s still great to listen, and it’s kind of fun. I hope you’re enjoying this activity. If you would like to hear more spoken Irish and challenge yourself, watch Cula4 Ar Scoil, 10am Monday – Friday on TG4. They will be teaching different subjects as gaeilge. 1st and 2nd Class On Bua na Cainte app, open Siopadóireacht, click on scéal and listen to the story on a few different days. Pupils can also complete the colouring page on p.83 and practice reading the words on this page. On Bua na Cainte app, open Ócáidí Speisialta, An Trá and watch Ceacht 1 and Ceacht 2. Also watch the song and try to sing along to the words as best as pupil can. Pupils can complete p.94, reading the words on the page, try to use the words in sentences, e.g. Feicim bád, Tá líathróid ag Niamh, etc. and complete wordsearch. 3rd Class Complete p.164 and 165 of Béal Beo. This is a recipe, so a different type of text than most we have read. Read it using CD to help, answer questions and put pictures in correct order. Try to make your own short, simple recipe in Irish. Use your dictionary to help. Don’t forget the verb/doing word starts most sentences in a recipe. 4th Class Béal Beo 4, Thaitin sé go mór liom: p186 – 189, don’t forget to use your CD. Litrigh É Linn 4, p68 – 70, ask someone to test you at the end of the week. 5th & 6th Class Béal Beo 5, Ócáidí Speisialta, Turas Scoile: p171 – 175, don’t forget to use your CD. Litrigh É Linn 5, p79 – 80, ask someone to test you at the end of the week. 4th, 5th & 6th Class In addition to the above please find 2 links below: This link contains some lovely stories in Irish. This link is useful for revision of the Aimsir Chaite agus Aimsir Láithreach. Week Beginning 8th June 2020 Dear Parents, I hope you and your children are all keeping well. Please find below a list of suggested work for this week. If some areas are not completed please don’t worry. We hope you are all getting on well with your Virtual Explore Cavan Challenge and have covered plenty of km as part of the challenge. Just a reminder to parents to please review the farm safety powerpoint from the HSA and discuss with your child/children. Also in light of recent events please have a look at the Water Safety Awareness website: and discuss with your child/children. Thanks, Ms. Sheridan
Junior Infants Monday Reading – Page 21 and 22. Go over any new words. Phonics – Recap over our group 1 phonic sounds with fun activities on Maths – Combining Page 103 & 104 Demonstrate adding 1 more to a set using concrete materials such as pencils, crayons, pasta shells whatever is handy at home. Start by adding 1 more to a given number, e.g. 2 shells and 1 more shell makes 3 shells altogether. When children are confident with adding 1 move to adding 2, 3 and 4 up to a total of 5, e.g. 2 crayons and 3 crayons make 5 crayons altogether. When children have grasped this move on to completing page 103 & 104. SESE - SSE Airtricity have set up an Eco Explorers Club to educate and engage children about the world around us. It features educational videos, Draw with Don: Art Class with Don Conroy, Instagram Live Storytelling with Reuben the Entertainer & SSE’s Mia McCarthy, Imagination Children’s Yoga, and an amazing Virtual Eco Explorers Tour at Dublin Zoo. Over the next few weeks we will look at a topic a week and each week has exciting, different activities. This week we are looking at Topic 1 Biodiversity. Today we will watch the short video - What is Biodiversity - Animated Series. All lessons are featured on the link below. Gaeilge – Bua na Cainte, An Teilifís Ceacht 10, Amhrán, Scéal, Cluiche, Page 45 Onwords and Upwords – Unit 15, Fireworks, Page 57 Pattern formations - join the dots and see the fireworks. Colour PE – PE with Joe Tuesday Reading pages 22 and 23 and go over any new words. Maths – Combining, Page 105 & 106 SESE – We are learning all about Biodiversity with Reuben The Entertainer PE - PE with Joe Gaeilge – Scéal – An Lacha Ghranna, Page 46 Onwords and Upwords – Page 58 Sequencing patterns – What comes next? Colour your patterns. Wednesday Reading – Pages 23 and 24. Go over any new words. Pre Reading Activity Book – 66 & 67 Maths – Pages 107 & 108 SESE - Eco Explorer’s Club Virtual Tour of Dublin Zoo Gaeilge – Bua na Cainte, Siopadoireacht Ceacht 1, Amhrán, Scéal, Cluiche, p.47 PE – PE with Joe Religion – This week we are looking at the topic ‘Thank you, God, for Food’. Some facts that are important to know about hunger before you start this topic with your child:
Discuss with your child how some children and adults don’t have enough food to eat. That they are hungry, all the time. Ask them to explain how they feel when they are hungry? What do they usually have for breakfast? What is their favourite breakfast? Read this story to your child. Explain to your child that the children in this story live in Malawi in Africa but some children in Ireland, in Cavan are still hungry too. Story – Monday Morning in Malawi Mesi’s day begins at 5 am, when she goes to the river to collect water with her mum. Sometimes Mesi goes to the river with her friend Enestina. Mesi carries the bucket of water on her head. At the beginning she liked going to the river for water with her mum, but not anymore. Mesi didn’t realise that the river was so far away from her home, and the bucket is very full when it’s heavy. It gives Mesi a pain in her neck and in her head. When she comes home from the river, Mesi helps her mum to make breakfast. Her family eat porridge made from rice everyday. Sometimes there is not enough for everyone so her mum and dad don’t eat anything. They would rather give the food to their children. Mesi loves her family very much. She knows her mum and dad love her very much too. After breakfast, Mesi and Enestina make off for the long walk to school. When you have finished the story and discussed it with your child complete p.50. Thursday Reading – Well done Junior Infants you have finished ‘The Lost Ball’. Please recap the new words at the back of the book on the last page. Maths – Pages 109 & 110 Onwords and Upwords – P. 59 Recap the t sound SESE/Art - Draw with Don on Biodiversity Week PE – PE with Joe Wicks Friday Reading – Recap your reading from the week and go over any new words again. Maths – Page 111 Add one more into each set and count the number altogether. Religion - Recap the story from Wednesday and discuss with your child, see what they can remember. Talk about the similarities and differences between the food they eat and food Mesi eats. Discuss the importance of saying ‘Thank you’ for the food they have. Some families are hungry and do not have enough food to eat. Look at Page 51 and complete. SESE/PE – Yoga Exploration with Caragh. Writing - Write 2 or more sentences about what you learnt this week about Biodiversity. Writing can be done in free writing copies.
Senior Infants Monday Reading – Pages 20 & 21 and go over any new words. Spelling – Unit 17, Learn 2/3 words a day and complete 2/3 activities a day in spelling workbook Maths – Analysis of number Pages 122 & 123 Your child is learning how to add numbers. When doing this we use the language: and, make, altogether, is the same as, add, equals. For e.g., 3 and 2 make 5, 3 plus 2 equals 5, 3 add 2 is the same as 5. We are now using the + and = signs. Try to use concrete materials like crayons, pencils, pasta shapes, teddies etc. to help your child add. E.g., 5 crayons and 2 crayons make 7 crayons altogether, 3 pieces of lego plus 5 pieces of lego equals 8 pieces of lego altogether. Also encourage your child to add using their fingers. Allow your child to discover that 6 and 2 is the same as 2 and 6. On pages 122 and 123 use the number line to help find the correct answer. SESE - SSE Airtricity have set up an Eco Explorers Club to educate and engage children about the world around us. It features educational videos, Draw with Don: Art Class with Don Conroy, Instagram Live Storytelling with Reuben the Entertainer & SSE’s Mia McCarthy, Imagination Children’s Yoga, and an amazing Virtual Eco Explorers Tour at Dublin Zoo. Over the next few weeks we will look at a topic a week and each week has exciting, different activities. This week we are looking at Topic 1 Biodiversity. Today we will watch the short video - What is Biodiversity - Animated Series. All lessons are featured on the link below. Gaeilge – Bua na Cainte, An Teilifís Ceacht 10, Amhrán, Scéal, Cluiche, Page 45 PE – PE with Joe Wicks Tuesday Reading – Pages 21 & 22 and go over any new words. Spelling – Unit 17, Learn 2 words a day and complete 2/3 activities a day in spelling workbook Maths – Analysis of number, Pages 124 SESE – We are learning all about Biodiversity with Reuben The Entertainer PE - PE with Joe Gaeilge – Scéal – An Lacha Ghranna, Page 46 Activity Book for Readers – Page 51 Read and Write yes or no. Colour when finished. Wednesday Reading – Pages 22 & 23 and go over any new words. Spelling – Unit 17, Learn 2 words a day and complete 2/3 activities a day in spelling workbook Maths – Analysis of number, Pages 125 and 126 – We can write number sentences another way but they mean the same thing. SESE - Eco Explorer’s Club Virtual Tour of Dublin Zoo Gaeilge – Bua na Cainte, Siopadoireacht Ceacht 1, Amhrán, Scéal, Cluiche p.47 PE – PE with Joe Religion – This week we are looking at the topic ‘Thank you, God, for Food’. Some facts that are important to know about hunger before you start this topic with your child: Nearly 842 million people are suffering from hunger. Hunger causes the death of 5 million children a year. About 117 million children are born underweight every year, the result of inadequate nutrition before and during pregnancy. 1 in 5 Irish children go to school or bed hungry every day. Discuss with your child how some children and adults don’t have enough food to eat. That they are hungry, all the time. Ask them to explain how they feel when they are hungry? What do they usually have for breakfast? What is their favourite breakfast? Read this story to your child. Explain to your child that the children in this story live in Malawi in Africa but some children in Ireland, in Cavan are still hungry too. Story – Monday Morning in Malawi Mesi’s day begins at 5 am, when she goes to the river to collect water with her mum. Sometimes Mesi goes to the river with her friend Enestina. Mesi carries the bucket of water on her head. At the beginning she liked going to the river for water with her mum, but not anymore. Mesi didn’t realise that the river was so far away from her home, and the bucket is very full when it’s heavy. It gives Mesi a pain in her neck and in her head. When she comes home from the river, Mesi helps her mum to make breakfast. Her family eat porridge made from rice everyday. Sometimes there is not enough for everyone so her mum and dad don’t eat anything. They would rather give the food to their children. Mesi loves her family very much. She knows her mum and dad love her very much too. After breakfast, Mesi and Enestina make off for the long walk to school. When you have finished the story and discussed it with your child complete p.50 Thursday Reading – Pages 23 & 24 and go over any new words. Spelling – Unit 17, Learn 2 words a day and complete 2/3 activities a day in spelling workbook Maths – Analysis of number, Page 127 – Use the number line to help you Activity book for readers – Page 52 – write the correct word. SESE/Art - Draw with Don on Biodiversity Week PE – PE with Joe Wicks Friday Reading – Recap pages from this week and go over any new words. Spelling – Unit 17 Test Maths – Analysis of number, Page 128 Religion – Recap the story from Wednesday and discuss with your child, see what they can remember. Talk about the similarities and differences between the food they eat and food Mesi eats. Discuss the importance of saying ‘Thank you’ for the food they have. Some families are hungry and do not have enough food to eat. Look at Page 51 and complete. SESE/PE – Yoga Exploration with Caragh. Writing – Write 4 or more sentences about what you learnt this week about Biodiversity. Writing can be done in free writing copies. Hi everyone, I hope everyone is safe and well. Hopefully you all enjoyed the fabulous weather over the long weekend. Everyone’s health and wellbeing is what matters most at this time, so please:
All pupils are encouraged to: 1. Watch RTE Home School Hub daily (11 – 12 o’clock) and complete activities/projects they set for your class level. You will find the activities at (1st – 6th class) 2. Spend time every day reading something you’ll enjoy. Reading is so important, so please prioritise some reading every day. 3. Virtual Explore Cavan Challenge – Keep it up! You could even explore more places in Co. Cavan with Google Maps. (1000 steps = 1km, 1 skip or jumping jack = climb 1m) Don’t forget to record your progress on the record sheet in this link. 4. Counties of Ireland – At school, we learned about different counties in Ireland. We looked at where they are on a map of Ireland and learned a little about the counties. It’s been a while, so you may need to refresh your memory. I’m sure everyone can find Co. Cavan on a map. What other counties can you find? This week, I challenge you to learn to find as many counties of Ireland as you can. Use this link to test how many you can find. Repeat it a number of times and see can you beat yourself each time. 5. As summer is here and the weather is so nice, some of you may be enjoying swimming or playing in or around water. Water can be lots of fun and it’s a great way to keep cool in the hot weather, but it's so important to always stay safe around water. Learn lots about water safety at this link. You can select your class level to make it fully suitable for you.
English 1st, 2nd and 3rd should now be finished their Spelling workbook. If you missed a week during the year, you could complete it this week. For those of you, who have all units completed, practice your spellings with the Forest Phonics game below. It works on lots of different sound blends. Choose 3 or 4 different blends this week to work on. (If it is difficult, focus on less blends.) Make some lists of words that use the blends you choose to work on. You could look some up in the dictionary and put some of them into sentences. 4th, 5th & 6th Class Revise both Unit 17 and Unit 18; get someone to test you at the end of the week.
Handwriting Please complete 1 page in your handwriting workbook.
1st Class Read and complete activities for Unit 18 of Two Little Frogs. 2nd Class Read and complete activities for Unit 18 of The Green Genie. 3rd Class Read and complete activities for Unit 29 of The Talking Horse. This will be a little different as it isn’t a story. It is a catalogue and you must read and find all the information in it to answer your questions. 4th Class A Way with Words 4 – Unit 14, p68 – 73 5th & 6th Class A Way with Words 6 – Unit 14, p68 – 73
Maths As this weekend is a bank holiday, we’ll take it easy in maths and cover a fun topic – capacity! Capacity means how much a container can hold. We often use it in every day life to measure liquids – water, juice, milk. Some containers can hold more liquid, some less. Some containers can be full, half full or empty. The standard unit we use for capacity is litre (L) and millilitre (ml). Can you think of any places you have seen these measures? There are 1000ml in one litre. 1st Class Complete Chapter on Capacity (starts on p.145). Gather your containers that you need and see how many egg cups it takes to fill each – don’t forget to estimate first and be careful to fill the egg cup fully each time. See can you find some containers in your house that hold 1 litre. Orange/apple juice, and milk cartons are good places to look. Play a range of addition games on Topmarks. Tables (-10) Ask someone to test you at the end of the week. 2nd Class Complete Chapter on Capacity (starts on p.139) Don’t forget to estimate before completing each task. Can you find containers that hold half a litre (500ml) and quarter of a litre (250ml) or close to these measurements? They may help you to estimate. Play a range of maths games on Topmarks. Tables (-11) Ask someone to test you at the end of the week. 3rd Class Complete Chapter on Capacity (starts on p.208) Don’t forget to estimate before completing each task. You will need a measuring jug for some of the activities. When adding and subtracting litres and millilitres, make sure that you leave a blank box between the L and ml to keep them separate, and ensure your ml are written in the correct places – Hundreds, Tens, Units. Play a range of maths games on Topmarks. Tables (divide by 8) Ask someone to test you at the end of the week. These are some of the most difficult tables, but look for the ones that are easy, e.g. 8x2, 8x5, 8x10, etc. and spend your time on the difficult ones 4th, 5th & 6th Class Next 3 pages from Maths Book into Maths Copy. Go over both Multiplication and Division; get someone to test you at the end of the week. Online Maths Games
Gaeilge I understand that many parents will find it challenging to support pupils with Irish. Encourage pupils to try their best but if it causes stress, don’t hesitate to leave it. If you do not know how to read/pronounce a word, try using or Watch a cartoon of your choice on Cúla4, at least twice in the week. Don’t worry about understanding the words – it’s still great to listen, and it’s kind of fun. If you would like to hear more spoken Irish and challenge yourself, watch Cula4 Ar Scoil, 10am Monday – Friday on TG4. They will be teaching different subjects as gaeilge. 1st and 2nd Class On Bua na Cainte app, go to ‘Siopadóireacht’ and watch Ceacht 7. Complete p.82 of Bua na Cainte as best as you possibly can. Ceacht 7 will be a help, the days of the week are on top of your page on the train and there are pictures and words along the sides to help with weather words – Tá an lá ______ and for items you bought from the shop. Inniu – Today Inné – Yesterday Amárach – Tomorrow Play the listening game ‘Chuaigh mé go dtí an siopa agus cheannaigh mé…..’ on the app by clicking on the games controller when you are in Ceacht 7. Then play it as a memory game where people take turns to say that sentence, name all the other things people have already said and add one more. 3rd Class Complete p.46 - 50 of Béal Beo 3. Use your CD to listen to the story and the listening task on p.44 and drama on p.50. Give it your best attempt. Use the yellow box on the bottom of p.48 to help you complete p.49. It shows how to write ceannaigh and imigh as past tense (cheannaigh and d’imigh) but be careful to check how to ask a question ‘Ar imigh tú?’ and how to say I didn’t ‘Níor imigh mé’. 4th Class Béal Beo p51 – 56, don’t forget to use your CD. 5th & 6th Class Béal Beo p47 – 54, don’t forget to use your CD. 4th, 5th & 6th Class In addition to the above please find 2 links below: This link contains some lovely stories in Irish. This link is great for revision of the Aimsir Chaite agus Aimsir Láithreach. 2nd June – 5th June 2020 Dear Parents, I hope you and your children are all keeping well and had a lovely Bank Holiday weekend. Please find below a list of suggested work for this week. If some areas are not completed please don’t worry. We hope you are all getting on well with your Virtual Explore Cavan Challenge and have covered plenty of km as part of the challenge. Just a reminder to parents to please review the farm safety powerpoint from the HSA and discuss with your child/children. Also with this nice weather hopefully staying around for a while please have a look at the Water Safety Awareness website, Thanks, Ms. Sheridan
Junior Infants Tuesday Reading – Page 18 & 19 and go over any new words Phonics – New sound ‘ar’ as in arm, car, park, dark and star. The action for this sound is to open your mouth wide and say ‘ah’. A suggested storyline for this sound is ‘ a child has a sore throat. She goes to see the doctor who looks into her throat while the child says ahahahah.’ Practise the sound with your child and try to come up with words that have that sound in it. Practise writing the sound and words that have that sound in it. Have a look at the video to help with the sound Maths – Weight Page 94 This week we are looking at weight. Your child should be able to understand the concept of weight. They will begin to understand through lots of exploration, by handling objects and by using the appropriate language: light, heavy, lighter, heavier. When you are developing this concept at home, encourage your child to estimate/guess which object they believe to be heavier or lighter. Estimating is a very important part of this topic. Allow your child to handle 2 contrasting objects like a pencil and something heavier like a saucepan. Ask questions like which is heavier? How do you know? Is it harder to hold? Repeat with several different objects such as fruit, school items, kitchen items, etc. Complete page 94 Pre Reading Activity Book – Page 62 Listen to the nursery rhyme on the CD. Clap the rhythm and colour the one that is going the wrong way. Gaeilge – Bua na Cainte – An Teilifís Ceacht 7 - Amhrán, Scéal, Cluiche Page 44 PE – PE with Joe Wicks Wednesday Reading – Page 19 and 20 and go over any new words Phonics – Go over song, action and sound. Practice writing words with that sound. Maths - Page 95. Recap over yesterday’s work and colour the heavier object. Pre Reading Activity Book – Page 63 Colour the picture of Jack and Jill. Remember to try your best to stay inside the lines. Religion – Discuss with your child things you might find in a church and name them. Maybe look up some images on the internet together. Also look at page 44 and colour and circle the things you would find in a church. Gaeilge – Bua na Cainte – An Teilifís Ceacht 8 – Amhrán, Scéal, Cluiche PE – PE with Joe Wicks Thursday Reading – Page 20 and 21 and go over any new words Phonics – Go over song, action and sound. Practice writing words with that sound. Maths - Page 96. Instead of using the balance scales as you may not have them at home, let your child hold each object in their hands at the same time. So have a lunch box in one hand and a pencil in the other and ask them which they think is heavier. Gaeilge – Bua na Cainte – An Teilifís Ceacht 9 – Amhrán, Scéal, Cluiche PE – PE with Joe Wicks Pre Reading Activity Book – Page 64. Spot the difference, make them the same and colour. Friday Reading – Recap this week’s pages and go over any new words again. Maths - Page 97 Pre Reading Activity Book – Page 65 PE – PE with Joe Wicks Religion – Grow in Love page 45 Art – In this good weather it’s the perfect excuse to get outside, below is a link to homemade chalk paint that children can draw outside on concrete/tarmac. **Please test this on a small area as some concretes/tarmac may differ. It should wash off with water and has done in the past when I have used it but as it uses food colouring please double check** If unsure children can use normal chalk if they have it, to draw outside and play.
Senior Infants Tuesday Reading – Page 17 & 18 and go over any new words Phonics – Recap the sound ‘ar’ as in arm, car, park, dark and star. The action for this sound is to open your mouth wide and say ‘ah’. A suggested storyline for this sound is ‘ a child has a sore throat. She goes to see the doctor who looks into her throat while the child says ahahahah.’ Practise the sound with your child and try to come up with words that have that sound in it. Practise writing the sound and words that have that sound in it. Have a look at the video to help with the sound. (youtube link above) Spelling – Unit 16 Learn 2 words a day and complete 2/3 activities a day in spelling workbook Maths – Weight Page 117 This week we are looking at weight. Your child should be able to understand the concept of weight. They will begin to understand through lots of exploration, by handling objects and by using the appropriate language: light, heavy, lighter, heavier, lightest, heaviest. When you are developing this concept at home, encourage your child to estimate/guess which object they believe to be heavier or lighter. Estimating is a very important part of this topic. Allow your child to handle 2 contrasting objects one light, one heavy. Ask questions like which is heavier? How do you know? Is it harder to hold? Gaeilge – Bua na Cainte – An Teilifís Ceacht 7 - Amhrán, Scéal, Cluiche Page 44 Onwards and Upwards – Page 26 Look for words that start with t. Read the story and discuss. PE – PE with Joe Wicks Wednesday Reading – Pages 18 & 19 and go over any new words. Spelling - Unit 16 Onwards and Upwards – Page 27 Maths – Page 118 & 119. Heavier and Lighter Religion – Discuss with your child things you might find in a church and name them. Maybe look up some images on the internet together. Also look at page 44 and colour and circle the things you would find in a church. Gaeilge – Bua na Cainte – An Teilifís Ceacht 8 – Amhrán, Scéal, Cluiche PE – PE with Joe Wicks Thursday Reading – Pages 19 & 20 and go over any new words. Spelling - Unit 16 Maths – Page 120 Gaeilge – Bua na Cainte – An Teilifís Ceacht 9 – Amhrán, Scéal, Cluiche Onwards and Upwards – Page 28. Name all the things that start with t and colour PE – PE with Joe Wicks Friday Reading – recap pages from this week and go over any new words. Spelling - Unit 16 Test on spellings Maths – Page 121 Religion – Grow in Love page 45 PE – PE with Joe Wicks Art – In this good weather it’s the perfect excuse to get outside, below is a link to homemade chalk paint that children can draw outside on concrete/tarmac. **Please test this on a small area as some concretes/tarmac may differ. It should wash off with water and has done in the past when I have used it but as it uses food colouring please double check your area** If unsure children can use normal chalk if they have it, to draw outside and play. Hi everyone, I hope you’re all doing well and staying safe and healthy. Everyone’s health and wellbeing is what matters most at this time, so please:
All pupils are encouraged to: 1. Watch RTE Home School Hub daily (11 – 12 o’clock) and complete activities/projects they set for your class level. You will find the activities at (1st – 6th class) 2. Spend time every day reading something you’ll enjoy. Reading is so important, so please prioritise some reading every day. 3. Virtual Explore Cavan Challenge – How many towns did you visit and how many mountains did you climb last week? Will you go further this week? Starting from Cavan town each time, we will try to cover the distance to other towns in Co. Cavan. You can also climb some of Cavan’s mountains! (1000 steps = 1km, 1 skip or jumping jack = climb 1m) Don’t forget to record your progress on the record sheet in this link. 4. Explore Cavan on Google Street View – Seeing as we’re virtually exploring County Cavan through staying active, why not also explore it by seeing towns digitally. When you’ve reached a town or climbed a mountain, search for it on google maps and explore where you are. If you have visited the town before, see can you find anything you’ve seen before. Start by exploring Cavan town. Make sure you use the internet safely. If you’re stuck or if anything doesn’t seem right, check with an adult. To get you started, click this link. Can you figure out where these images were taken? Use the arrows to move further up the street and see more. //,-7.3598947,14z">,-7.3598947,14z 5. Tom Crean was an Irish man who went on expeditions to explore the Antarctic. He showed great bravery in the cold harsh conditions. Muinteoir Ray did a lesson about him, the week before last. You can find it to rewatch at this link. Follow this link to learn more about Tom’s life and about the expeditions he was involved in. There are links on the final slide that you can follow to research and learn more about Tom Crean. Make a poster with some interesting facts about Tom Crean and decorate it with pictures also. Be as creative as you like!
English 1st, 2nd and 3rd should now be finished their Spelling Workbook. If you missed a week during the year, you could complete it this week. For those of you who have all units completed, practice your spellings with the Forest Phonics game below. It works on lots of different sound blends. Choose 3 or 4 different blends this week to work on. (If it is difficult, focus on less blends.) Make some lists of words that use the blends you choose to work on. You could look some up in the dictionary and put some of them into sentences. 4th, 5th and 6th Class Revise both Unit 15 & Unit 16, ask someone to test you at the end of the week. Handwriting Please complete 1 page in your handwriting workbook. 1st Class Read and complete activities for unit 17 of Two Little Frogs. 2nd Class Read and complete activities for unit 17 of The Green Genie. 3rd Class Read and complete activities for unit 28 of The Talking Horse. 4th, 5th & 6th Class Next Unit in Reading Zone plus written activities.
Maths I hope you are all getting on ok with maths. It’s important to keep doing some, even if it’s going over what you already know. As always, just give it your best shot. If it’s too difficult, we will work on it at a later time. 1st Class Complete Chapter on Time 2 (starts on p.129) There are only 3 pages in your main maths book on this topic, but with time, lots and lots of work has to be done in real life. Spend time talking about times that different things happen during the day - What time do you get up? What time do you eat dinner? What time does your favourite TV programme start? Look at where the numbers are on the clock. You could make your own clock to help you learn about time at home. This video demonstrates how to do it. Tips – (An adult may need to help with parts) 1. If you have a paper plate, use it instead of cutting circles. 2. Draw lines to split your circle in quarters and space your numbers evenly around the clock – write on 12, 6, 9 and 3 first, then fill in the rest. 3. Make sure one hand is long and one is short. We will focus on o’clock and half past. Ask an adult to show you a time on a clock and ask you the time. They can also ask you to set the clock to a time and check that you are correct. If this is easy for you, try moving on to quarter past, then quarter to. Play a range of addition games on Topmarks. Tables (-9) Ask someone to test you at the end of the week. 2nd Class Complete Chapter on Time 2. You could make a clock following the instructions given for 1st Class above. You will be focussing on o’clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to, and also on digital time and timetables. Ask an adult to show you a time on a clock and ask you the time. They can also ask you to set the clock to a time and check that you are correct. They can do this on both analogue clock (one with hands) and digital clock. Also, think about some times we use a timetable. One example is the TV guide. Why not look it up in a newspaper/magazine/on the programme guide of your TV and check what time some programmes begin and end at. Play a range of maths games on Topmarks. Tables (-10) Ask someone to test you at the end of the week. 3rd Class Complete Chapter on Time 2 (starts on p.196) You will be focussing on reading a calendar and figuring how many days between 2 dates. Don’t forget day means Monday, Tuesday, etc. while date means the number and month, e.g. 25th May or 25/05/20 (date). You will also be turning hours into minutes and minutes into hours. N.B. There are 60 mins in 1 hour. Eg. write 1hr 24mins as minutes = 60 mins + 24 mins = 84 mins. This video demonstrates how to turn hours and minutes into minutes only. This video demonstrates how to turn minutes into hours and minutes. Play a range of maths games on Topmarks. Tables (divide by 7) Ask someone to test you at the end of the week. These are some of the most difficult tables, but look for the ones that are easy, eg. 7x2, 7x5, 7x10, etc. and spend your time on the difficult ones. 4th, 5th & 6th Class Next 3 pages from Maths Book into Maths Copy. Go over tables both Multiplication and Division, ask someone to test you at the end of the week. Online Maths Games
Gaeilge I understand that many parents will find it challenging to support pupils with Irish. Encourage pupils to try their best but if it causes stress, don’t hesitate to leave it. If you do not know how to read/pronounce a word, try using or Watch a cartoon of your choice on Cúla4, at least twice in the week. Don’t worry about understanding the words – it’s still great to listen, and it’s kind of fun. If you would like to hear more spoken Irish and challenge yourself, watch Cula4 Ar Scoil, 10am Monday – Friday on TG4. They will be teaching different subjects as gaeilge. Litrigh É Linn (2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th & 6th Class) Siopadóireacht, seachtain 3. 1st and 2nd Class On Bua na Cainte app, go to ‘Siopadóireacht’ and Ceacht 5 and Ceacht 6 a few times. In Ceacht 5, pause each time the 3 cards changes and give your child an opportunity to tell any of the words they recognise. Watch the rhyme ‘An Tarracóir’ and practice saying the rhyme along with the app. Complete p.80 + 81 of Bua na Cainte. Practice reading p.81 a number of times until the child can read it quite well. Lots of the words will be heard in Ceacht 6. Some words sounded phonetically to help you Chuaigh – hoo-ee Thug – hug Cheannaigh – he-any Bhí – sounds like letter v Also, listen to the rhyme An Tarracóir a number of times and say it along with the app. You can read the words by clicking on the hat in the bottom right corner. 3rd Class Complete p.41 - 45 of Béal Beo 3. Use your CD to listen to the story, the listening task on p.44 and drama on p.45. Give it your best attempt. 4th Class Béal Beo p44 – p50, don’t forget to use your CD. 5th & 6th Class Béal Beo p40 – p46, don’t forget to use your CD. 4th, 5th & 6th Class In addition to the above, please find 2 links below: This link contains some lovely stories in Irish. This link is great for revision of the Aimsir Chaite agus Aimsir Láithreach. Junior and Senior Infant work for week beginning May 25th 2020 – May 29th 2020 Dear Parents, I hope you and your children are all keeping well. Please find below a list of suggested work for this week. If some areas are not completed please don’t worry. We hope you are all getting on well with your Virtual Explore Cavan Challenge and have covered plenty of km as part of the challenge. Just a reminder to parents to please review the farm safety powerpoint from the HSA and discuss with your child/children. Thanks, Ms. Sheridan
Junior Infants Monday Reading- The Lost Ball, Page 14 & 15 Phonics – Revise sound ‘er’ Please use youtube videos posted last week to revise the ‘er’ sound. Sing the song, do the action and listen to the words sounded out. See if you can think of any other ‘er’ words and try to write them down. Maths – Partitioning Discuss what partitioning and sets are. For example ‘We have 5 teddies, 3 are green and 2 are red. Can we split these into 2 different groups/sets? Give your child some everyday household items and ask them to partition them. Example some teaspoons and tablespoons put into 2 groups. You could do the same with different pasta shapes, fruit in fruit bowl, teddies, dolls, action figures. See P. 98 of Cracking Maths Junior Infants and complete. Gaeilge – Bua na Cainte, An Teilifís Ceacht 3 – Amhrán (Ta Teidi sa Seomra Sui), Scéal, Cluiche PE – PE with Joe Wicks On youtube every morning at 9am Joe Wicks puts up a full workout for children/whole family. These workouts are saved to his youtube channel so can be accessed throughout the day for whatever time suits you best.Exercise has benefits for both physical and mental health. Daily workouts can help children deal with any worries or stress around this difficult time. Pre Reading Activity Book What is missing? Draw it! P. 61 Tuesday Reading – The Lost Ball Page 15 & 16 and any new words from each page. Onwards and Upwards Unit 14 Spoons and Moons P. 53 Reading Zone Activity Book P. 34 – Lost. Read the sentence and match to the correct picture and colour. Maths – Partitioning Quick recap of yesterday’s work. Page 99 PE – PE with Joe Wicks On youtube every morning at 9am Joe Wicks puts up a full workout for children/whole family. These workouts are saved to his youtube channel so can be accessed throughout the day for whatever time suits you best. Religion – We can pray in many places Although we cannot go to Mass at the minute we can still pray in lots of different places. Talk with your child about the different places they can pray. Grow in Love Page 42, Draw a candle and say a prayer. Wednesday Reader Page 16 and 17 and go over any new words Maths Page 100 Gaeilge – Bua na Cainte, An Teilifís Ceacht 5 – Amhrán, Scéal, Cluiche P. 43 Onwards and Upwards Unit 14 Spoons and Moons P. 54 - Odd one out Religion Grow in Love Page 43 and learn prayer to Guardian Angel at the back of the book. PE – PE with Joe Wicks On youtube every morning at 9am Joe Wicks puts up a full workout for children/whole family. These workouts are saved to his youtube channel so can be accessed throughout the day for whatever time suits you best. Thursday Reading Page 17 and 18 and go over any new words Onwards and Upwards Unit 14 Spoons and Moons P. 55 Revision of h, s, m sounds Maths Page 101 Religion Grow in Love Learn prayer to Guardian Angel at the back of the book PE – PE with Joe Wicks On youtube every morning at 9am Joe Wicks puts up a full workout for children/whole family. These workouts are saved to his youtube channel so can be accessed throughout the day for whatever time suits you best. Friday Reading Recap all reading pages from this week and new words. Maths Page 102 Onwards and Upwards Page 56 - Let’s colour PE – PE with Joe Wicks On youtube every morning at 9am Joe Wicks puts up a full workout for children/whole family. These workouts are saved to his youtube channel so can be accessed throughout the day for whatever time suits you best. Art Flowers using bun cases
Senior Infants Monday Reading – Stop that Dog P.13 & 14 Spelling - Unit 15 Learn 2 words a day and complete 2/3 activities a day in spelling workbook Maths – Data Page 112 Favourite activity Gaeilge – Bua na Cainte, An Teilifís Ceacht 3 – Amhrán (Ta Teidi sa Seomra Sui), Scéal, Cluiche PE – PE with Joe Wicks On youtube every morning at 9am Joe Wicks puts up a full workout for children/whole family. These workouts are saved to his youtube channel so can be accessed throughout the day for whatever time suits you best. Exercise has benefits for both physical and mental health. Daily workouts can help children deal with any worries or stress around this difficult time. Tuesday Reading – Stop that Dog Page 14 & 15 and any new words Onwards and Upwards Page 23 Spellings – Unit 15 Maths – Comparing and Ordering Discuss amounts with your child like who has more sweets? Who has less sweets? Do the same for apples, books, toys/dolls. Example Sarah has 7 sweets and Paul has 3. Who has more? Who has less? Look at page 101 in Cracking Maths and complete page. PE – PE with Joe Wicks On youtube every morning at 9am Joe Wicks puts up a full workout for children/whole family. These workouts are saved to his youtube channel so can be accessed throughout the day for whatever time suits you best. Religion – We can pray in many places Although we cannot go to Mass at the minute we can still pray in lots of different places. Talk with your child about the different places they can pray. Grow in Love Page 42, Draw a candle and say a prayer. Wednesday Reader Page 15 and 16 and go over any new words Maths Page 102 Gaeilge – Bua na Cainte, An Teilifís Ceacht 5 – Amhrán, Scéal, Cluiche P. 43 Onwards and Upwards Page 24 Religion Grow in Love Page 43 and learn prayer to Guardian Angel at the back of the book. PE – PE with Joe Wicks On youtube every morning at 9am Joe Wicks puts up a full workout for children/whole family. These workouts are saved to his youtube channel so can be accessed throughout the day for whatever time suits you best. Thursday Reading Page 16 & 17 and go over any new words Spelling Unit 15 Maths Page 103 and colour Religion Grow in Love Learn prayer to Guardian Angel at the back of the book PE – PE with Joe Wicks On youtube every morning at 9am Joe Wicks puts up a full workout for children/whole family. These workouts are saved to his youtube channel so can be accessed throughout the day for whatever time suits you best. Friday Reading Recap all reading pages from this week and new words. Spelling Test on Unit 15 Maths Page 104 Onwards and Upwards Chapter 8 Page 25 Tim in the Tub Recapping the t sound PE – PE with Joe Wicks On youtube every morning at 9am Joe Wicks puts up a full workout for children/whole family. These workouts are saved to his youtube channel so can be accessed throughout the day for whatever time suits you best. Art Flowers using bun cases Hi everyone, I hope everyone is staying safe and keeping well at home. We’re so lucky to still have lovely weather and I’m sure you’re enjoying the outdoors lots. Hopefully you’re also managing to spend some time on schoolwork and managing to stay in touch with friends. Everyone’s health and wellbeing is what matters most at this time, so please:
All pupils are encouraged to: 1. Watch RTE Home School Hub daily (11 – 12 o’clock) and complete activities/projects they set for your class level. You will find the activities at (1st – 6th class) 2. Spend time every day reading something you’ll enjoy. Reading is so important, so please prioritise some reading every day. 3. Farm Safety – As we aren’t at school, some of you may be spending time on or around farms. Farms are busy places, and can be dangerous with animals, machinery and other dangers present. Watch this powerpoint presentation about farm safety and discuss it with an adult. There are also links to further videos in the final slide. 4. Virtual Explore Cavan Challenge – over the next few weeks, we will be taking part in the Virtual Explore Cavan Challenge. Starting from Cavan town each time, we will try to cover the distance to other towns in Co. Cavan. You can also climb some of Cavan’s mountains! (1000 steps = 1km, 1 skip or jumping jack = climb 1m) How far will you travel? You will find the map and record sheet in the following link. If you can’t print the record sheet, try screenshotting it and recording on your device. In a couple of weeks, we will provide an email address for you to send these to. 5. News Flash / Primary Planet / Eipic – These magazines are written for children. They have a wide variety of stories, factual articles and even some jokes. Simply choose the magazine for your age level. Hopefully, you enjoyed the articles you read last week. Choose some more to read this week, and if you are enjoying them why not check out some older editions which you will find at the same link.
English 1st, 2nd and 3rd should now be finished their Spelling workbook. If you missed a week during the year, you could complete it this week. For those of you who have all units completed, practice your spellings with the Forest Phonics game below. It works on lots of different sound blends. Choose 3 – 4 to work on this week. 4th, 5th & 6th Class You should now be finished your Spelling Workbook. If you missed a week during the year, you could complete it this week. Revise both Unit 13 & Unit 14, ask someone to test you at the end of the week. Handwriting - 1st, 2nd and 3rd Class Please complete 1 page in your handwriting workbook. 1st Class Read and complete activities for unit 16 of Two Little Frogs. 2nd Class Read and complete activities for unit 16 of The Green Genie. 3rd Class Read and complete activities for unit 27 of The Talking Horse. 4th, 5th & 6th Class Next Unit in Reading Zone plus written activities.
Maths As always, just give it your best shot. If it’s too difficult, we will work on it at a later time. 1st Class Complete chapter on Addition 6 (starts on p.132). You will be learning about tens and units and how to write our answers when a number is bigger than 10. We have done some work on this but it was a while ago now, so take your time and if it’s difficult, use real objects in your house – colouring pencils, pieces of pasta, etc. When adding, we always add the units first. If there are more than 10 units, we make them into a ten and move the ten into the tens place. Then write in your answers in the correct place. Tens under tens, units under units. Play a range of addition games on Topmarks. Tables (-8) Ask someone to test you at the end of the week. 2nd Class Complete chapter on Addition 4 (starts on p.116). Splitting up the tens and units and then adding them separately, like they do on p.117, is a great strategy to help you figure out answers in your head. Remember to line up your sums with tens under tens, and units under units. Play a range of maths games on Topmarks. Tables (-9) Ask someone to test you at the end of the week. 3rd Class Complete Check Up 3. There will be lots of different parts on this. If you’re stuck, check back to the chapter where it was covered and see if that jogs your memory. Check Ups aren’t printed in your books. You will find it at this link: Play a range of maths games on Topmarks. Tables (divide by 6) Ask someone to test you at the end of the week. 4th, 5th & 6th Class Next 3 pages from Maths Book into Maths Copy. Go over tables both division and multiplication, ask someone to test you at the end of the week. Online Maths Games.
Gaeilge I understand that many parents will find it challenging to support pupils with Irish. Encourage pupils to try their best but if it causes stress, don’t hesitate to leave it. If you do not know how to read/pronounce a word, try using or Watch a cartoon of your choice on Cúla4, at least twice in the week. Don’t worry about understanding the words – it’s still great to listen, and it’s kind of fun. I hope you enjoyed last week’s game. Cén cartún a chonaic tú an seachtain seo chaite? Cén caractair a bhí sa chlár? Litrigh É Linn (2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th & 6th Class) Siopadóireacht, seachtain 2. 1st and 2nd Class On Bua na Cainte app, go to ‘Siopadóireacht’ and watch both conversations in Ceacht 3 and also Ceacht 4. Practice using the vocabulary from the videos with someone at home if someone can help. Practice counting to 20. Complete p.78 and 79 of Bua na Cainte. Also, listen to the rhyme An Tarracóir a number of times and say it along with the app. You can read the words by clicking on the hat in the bottom right corner. 3rd Class Complete p.37 - 40 of Béal Beo 3. Use your CD to listen to the comhrá and dráma. Give it your best attempt. 4th Class Complete p39 – 43, don’t forget to use your CD. 5th & 6th Class Complete p35 – 39, don’t forget to use your CD. 4th, 5th & 6th Class In addition to the above, please find 2 links below. This link contains some lovely stories in Irish. This link is great for revision of the Aimsir Chaite agus Aimsir Láithreach. Work for Senior Infants: 18th May – 22nd May 2020 Dear Parents, Please find a pack of work for this week. If you don’t get everything done don’t worry, this is only a suggestion of a daily plan. Please do any written work in free writing copies. Everyday, if you could go through the day of the week with your child, asking what day is it today, what month and what season. The school is taking part in a Virtual Explore Cavan Initiative; where children are encouraged to stay active and will help the school win some classes next year. You do not have to complete the whole sheet just do your best. (See details of this above in 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th Class section)
Monday 18th– Spelling: Unit 14 words. Complete Page 56. Read Page 8 of Stop That Dog new words: cat, after, play. Phonics: Go through jolly phonic sounds on white card. Click Phase 1-3, and then easy Maths: New topic: Data After he asks a question could you pause the video and let your child think about the question. After this, if you have any toy cars or vans at home you could ask your child to sort them out like in the video. Writing: Draw a picture of one thing you’ve done (e.g. watched my favourite TV show, played outside) today and write a sentence with your help. Writing: “Today is Monday. It is May. Today I …………..” Music: Nursery rhyme of the week: The Alphabet Is So Much Fun Playtime: List out loud any fruit/berries that you can think of. Then play this game:
Tuesday 19th– Music: Recite nursery rhyme of the week. Spelling: Spelling Unit 14. Read page 9 of Stop That Dog, new word is back. Complete page 48 of activity book. Phonics: Jolly phonics song. The action for “ue” is pointing around to people and saying you…you…you… After listening to “ue” song, watch this video. Like before, before she says the word pause the video and see if your child can read the word from her sounding it out. After she reads the word, ask your child to identify the “ue” in the word. Could you write “ue” first and get your child to trace it. Then ask your child to write at least 6 of the words from the video, draw a picture of what it is, and underline the “ue” in the word. Maths: Complete page 109 of Cracking Maths. Irish: Bua na Cainte go onto “Sa Bhaile Scéal” listen to Scéal, (story) of The Gingerbread Man. (An Fear Sinséir) and then complete page 40 in Bua na Cainte. Science: Butterflies Discuss the story of the Hungry Caterpillar that you read together last week. After this, read the story of the Cautious Caterpillar (This is a powerpoint you can download), After this, complete this worksheet, Print page 1 and complete it, your child may need help reading the words. You could go outside and see if you could spot any butterflies flying around. Play Time: List any vegetables you can think of. Play this game:
Wednesday 20th- Spellings: Unit 14 of Spelling Workbook. Complete page 57 of the book. Reading Stop That Dog page 10 new words on this page are pool, mud and stuck. Music: New song: Olaf’s Message: Phonics: New sound “er” Jolly phonics song. The action for “er” is rolling hands over each other saying “er”, “er” (as in the er in her) After listening to “er” song, watch this video. Like before, before she says the word pause the video and see if your child can read the word from her sounding it out. After she reads the word, ask your child to identify the “er” in the word. After this can you write “er” and get your child to trace it and then write their own. Maths: Complete page 110 of Cracking Maths. Religion: Holy Water and Baptism. Watch this video about holy water with your child Talk about how the holy water is blessed by the priest. If you have a bottle of holy water you could show this to your child. Watch this video about being welcomed with water into the Christian Family. You could talk to your child about their baptism day and show them a picture of them on their baptism day. After your discussion complete page 48 and 49 of Grow in Love. PE - Dance: I’m so Happy
Thursday 21st - Spellings: Unit 14 words. Read page 11 of Stop That Dog. The new words are market, likes, like. Complete page 49 and 50 of activity book. Music: Listening to and singing Olaf’s Message. Phonics: Revising s. Jolly phonics song for s Look at s on the white card. Complete page 21 and 22 of Onwards and Upwards. Maths: Get your child to organise their toys by colour, this could be their teddies or cars. Something similar to this: You don’t need to use a page or make a chart, just 5 colours and ask them to put them in a line organising by colour. Irish: New Topic An Teilifís (The TV) Bua na Cainte go onto “An Teilifís, Ceacht 1” listen to Amhrán, the Scéal, the cluiche, then complete page 41 of Bua na Cainte. SPHE: “Have you Filled a Bucket Today?” This is a story about being kind to others. After listening to this story discuss what ways we could fill buckets. Your child can colour in this sheet and as they colour in the hearts and stars they could name a nice activity they could do to “fill a bucket”. Play time: Draw a picture of 5 fruits/berries that you like.
Friday 22nd - Spelling: Unit 14 Spellings. Page 12 of Stop That Dog (no new words). Afterwards complete pages 51 and 52 of Activity book. Music: Sing Olaf’s song. Irish: Bua na cainte, An Teilifís, Ceacht 2, Amhrán, Scéal, Cluiche. Page 42 in Bua na Cainte. Writing: “Today is Friday. It is May. This week my favourite playtime was …..” Helping your child spell the words they wish to write, they can sound them out. Maths: Talk about the activity you done in maths yesterday and then complete page 111 of Cracking Maths. Art: Cupcake hot air ballons. Play Time: Talk to your child about farm safety after if you have some farm toys use them to talk to your child about staying safe, or draw a picture of how to stay safe.
Thank you for all the work you are doing with your child, Ms. Goldrick Work for Junior Infants: 18th May – 22nd May 2020 Dear Parents, Please find a pack of work for this week. If you don’t get everything done don’t worry, this is only a suggestion of a daily plan. Please do any written work in free writing copies. Everyday, if you could go through the day of the week with your child, asking what day is it today, what month and what season. The school is taking part in a Virtual Explore Cavan Initiative; where children are encouraged to stay active and will help the school win some classes next year. You do not have to complete the whole sheet just do your best. (See details of this above in 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th Class section)
Monday 18th– Spelling: Words for the Week: Sound out and write: 2 per day Hid, hum, gun, job, pig, win, not, sun, web, fog Phonics: Go through jolly phonic sounds on white card. Maths: sing this song with them and dance along. Cracking Maths Page 80, if you can complete the activities. Writing: Draw a picture of one thing you’ve done (e.g. watched my favourite TV show, played outside) today and write a sentence with your help. Writing: “Today is Monday. It is May. Today I …………..” Reading: The Lost Ball, (page 10) Music: Nursery rhyme of the week: The Alphabet Is So Much Fun Playtime: List out loud any fruit/berries that you can think of. Then play this game:
Tuesday 19th– Music: Recite nursery rhyme of the week. Spelling: gun, job Read page 11 of The Lost Ball new words: Oh, no Phonics: Jolly phonics song. The action for “ue” is pointing around to people and saying you…you…you… After listening to “ue” song, watch this video. Like before, before she says the word pause the video and see if your child can read the word from her sounding it out. After she reads the word, ask your child to identify the “ue” in the word. Could you write “ue” first and get your child to trace it. Then ask your child to write at least 4 of the words from the video, draw a picture of what it is, and underline the “ue” in the word. Maths: New topic: Data. After he asks a question could you pause the video and let your child think about the question. After this, if you have any toy cars or vans at home you could ask your child to sort them out like in the video. Irish: Bua na Cainte go onto “Sa Bhaile Scéal” listen to Scéal, (story) of The Gingerbread Man. (An Fear Sinséir) and then complete page 40 in Bua na Cainte. Science: Butterflies Discuss the story of the Hungry Caterpillar that you read together last week. After this read the story of the Cautious Caterpillar (This is a powerpoint you can download), After this complete this worksheet, Print page 1 and complete it, your child may need help reading the words. You could go outside and see if you could spot any butterflies flying around. Play Time: List any vegetables you can think of. Play this game:
Wednesday 20th- Spellings: pig, win Read page 11 of The Lost Ball. Page 30 and 31 of Activity Book. Music: New song: Olaf’s Message: Phonics: New sound “er” Jolly phonics song. The action for “er” is rolling hands over each other saying “er”, “er” (as in the er in her) After listening to “er” song, watch this video. Like before, before she says the word pause the video and see if your child can read the word from her sounding it out. After she reads the word, ask your child to identify the “er”” in the word. After this, can you write “er” and get your child to trace it and then write their own. Maths: Complete page 89 of Cracking Maths (Big Book). Religion: Holy Water and Baptism. Watch this video about holy water with your child Talk about how the holy water is blessed by the priest. If you have a bottle of holy water you could show this to your child. Watch this video about being welcomed with water into the Christian Family. You could talk to your child about their baptism day and show them a picture of them on their baptism day. After your discussion complete page 48 and 49 of Grow in Love. PE - Dance: I’m so Happy
Thursday 21st - Spellings: not, sun Read page 12 and 13 of The Lost Ball. The new word on page 13 is Run. Music: Listening to and singing Olaf’s Message. Phonics: Revising m. Jolly phonics song for m Look at m on the white card. Trace the m with your finger. Complete page 47 and 48 of Onwards and Upwards (green book). Maths: Get your child to organise their toys by colour, this could be their teddies or cars. Something similar to this: You don’t need to use a page or make a chart, just 4 colours and ask them to put them in a line organising by colour. Irish: New Topic An Teilifís (The TV) Bua na Cainte go onto “An Teilifís, Ceacht 1” listen to Amhrán, the Scéal, the cluiche, then complete page 41 of Bua na Cainte. SPHE: “Have you Filled a Bucket Today?” This is a story about being kind to others. After listening to this story discuss what ways we could fill buckets. Your child can colour in this sheet and as they colour in the hearts and stars they could name a nice activity they could do to “fill a bucket”. Play time: Draw a picture of 5 fruits/berries that you like.
Friday 22nd – Spelling: web, fog Page 12 and 13 of The Lost Ball. Afterwards complete pages 32 and 33 of Activity book. Music: Sing Olaf’s Song. Irish: Bua na Cainte, An Teilifís, Ceacht 2, Amhrán, Scéal, Cluiche. Page 42 in Bua na Cainte. Writing: “Today is Friday. It is May. This week my favourite playtime was …..” Helping your child spell the words they wish to write, they can sound them out. Maths: Talk about the activity you done in maths yesterday and then complete page 90 of Cracking Maths. Art: Cupcake hot air ballons. Play Time: Talk to your child about farm safety after if you have some farm toys use them to talk to your child about staying safe, or draw a picture of how to stay safe.
Thank you for all the work you are doing with your child, Ms. Goldrick Hi everyone, Another week of work complete! I hope everyone enjoyed last week’s activities. Why not start collecting your favourite piece of work each week and collecting them in a folder. You could take it to school when we return and show them to your teacher and classmates.
I know second class would have been busy this week preparing for Communion next weekend. Don’t worry, your special day will come and we will surely celebrate with you when it does come.
Everyone’s health and wellbeing is what matters most at this time, so please:
All pupils are encouraged to: 1. Watch RTE Home School Hub daily (11 – 12 o’clock) and complete activities/projects they set for your class level. You will find the activities at (1st – 6th class)
2. Spend time every day reading something you’ll enjoy. Reading is so important, so please prioritise some reading every day.
3. History – We have lots of free time now, and I’m sure you’ve all told someone you’re bored by now, so perhaps its time to get some new ideas. Ask an older person about the games and pastimes they had when they were a child. Perhaps you could ask about games they played alone, games for 2 people, games in the playground at school, etc. Write a list of games and pastimes that people played in the past. Choose one or two of these games and write out instructions for how to play them. Muinteoir John’s lesson on Home School Hub last week should have writing instructions fresh in your head. You can find it on It is in Lesson 28.
4. News Flash / Primary Planet / Eipic – These magazines are written for children. They have a wide variety of stories, factual articles and even some jokes. Simply choose the magazine for your age level. Read some articles this week and some more next week.
5. Tin Whistle – Some of you are still working on the songs that Mr. Clarke taught us at the beginning of the year. Keep practicing the ones that are easy for you to play, and also move on to the next one in the book. It will be a little harder than the one before and will need some practice on a few different days before you’re able to play it. Don’t forget, practice makes perfect! For those of you who have learned all the songs from Mr. Clarke and don’t have the next book, or just fancy a new challenge, here’s a booklet of songs for you. This is in booklet form so the pages won’t be in the correct order when you look at it on the screen. Find p.1 and try to practice the song The River Saile this week. The letters we usually use for our songs are there (F# is the same as our F). It should sound a bit like this.
Next unit of Spelling workbook for each class.
Use Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check method to learn spellings.
Put some words into sentences.
Ask someone to test you at the end of the week.
Handwriting – 1st, 2nd and 3rd Class
Please complete 1 page in your handwriting workbook.
1st Class Read and complete activities for unit 15 of Two Little Frogs.
2nd Class Read and complete activities for unit 15 of The Green Genie.
3rd Class Read and complete activities for unit 26 of The Talking Horse.
4th, 5th and 6th Class Next Unit in Reading Zone plus written activities.
Maths As always, just give it your best shot. If it’s too difficult, we will work on it at a later time.
1st Class Complete chapter on 3D shapes (p119) and chapter on Weight (p152). Some of the weight chapter will be about using a balance and measuring how many cubes balance each item. Skip these parts and focus on parts about heavier/lighter, and of course kg. Find lots of heavy and light things around your house and compare them. Play a range of games on Topmarks. Tables (-7) Ask someone to test you at the end of the week.
2nd Class Complete chapter on 3D shapes (p113) and chapter on Weight (p88). You can skip p.88 and 89 as they involve a balance and cubes. Play a range of maths games on Topmarks. Tables (-8) Ask someone to test you at the end of the week.
3rd Class Complete chapter on Weight (p174). When adding and subtracting in weight, its very important to line everything up correctly, as you would with hundreds, tens and units. You must keep kg separate from g. The example in the yellow box at the top of p.176 shows how to lay out the numbers quite well and also look at no. 5 + 6 on p.178. You don’t have to do all the sums. Just try some of each. Play a range of maths games on Topmarks. Tables (divide by 5) Ask someone to test you at the end of the week.
4th, 5th and 6th Class Next 3 pages from Maths Book into Maths Copy. Go over tables, ask someone to give you a test at the end of the week. Online Maths Games.
Gaeilge I understand that many parents will find it challenging to support pupils with Irish. Encourage pupils to try their best but if it causes stress, don’t hesitate to leave it. If you do not know how to read/pronounce a word, try using or Watch a cartoon of your choice on Cúla4, at least twice in the week. Don’t worry about understanding the words – it's still great to listen, and it's kind of fun.
This game teaches the correct word to answer a question. It may be a bit difficult, but we can use mistakes to learn. Especially useful for 3rd class pupils. 2nd class may also like to give it a go. (Pronunciation of some words will be different as it is a different dialect)
Litrigh É Linn (2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th Class) Siopadóireacht, seachtain 1.
1st and 2nd Class On Bua na Cainte app, go to ‘Siopadóireacht’ and watch both conversations in Ceacht 1 and also Ceacht 2. Practice using the vocabulary from the videos with someone at home if someone can help. Read p.76 and write the sentences on p.77. (you will find correct pronunciation on videos in app)
3rd Class Complete p.33 - 36 of Béal Beo 3. Use your CD to listen to the story. Don’t worry about parts that are too hard. Give it your best attempt. Question words and answer hints. I hope they are some help. If a question has atá in it, we usually start the answer with Tá and can use a lot of the words in the question to answer, eg. Cad atá ar an mbord? Tá pláta ar an mbord.
Cá bhfuil X? – where is X? Tá X ar/sa …. Cad atá ó X? – what does X want? Tá _______ ó X. Cén? – what/which Cad? – what Cathain? – when Cé – who Cén fath? – why
4th Class Complete p146 - 154, don’t forget to use your CD.
5th & 6th Class Complete p136 - 140, don’t forget to use your CD.
4th, 5th and 6th Class In addition to the above, please find 2 links below. This link contains some lovely stories in Irish. This link is great for revision of the Aimsir Chaite agus Aimsir Láithreach Work for Senior Infants: 11th May – 15th May 2020
Dear Parents, Please find a pack of work for this week. If you don’t get everything done don’t worry, this is only a suggestion of a daily plan. Please do any written work in free writing copies. Everyday, if you could go through the day of the week with your child, asking what day is it today, what month and what season.
Monday 11th– Spelling: Unit 13 words. Page 53. Read Page 3 of Stop That Dog new words: wants, for, walk, say. Phonics: Go through jolly phonic sounds on white card. Literactive game where children blend 3 letter words and match to the picture. Maths: sing this song with them and dance along. Complete 1-10. Writing numbers 1 -10. Writing: Draw a picture of one thing you’ve done (e.g. watched my favourite TV show, played outside) today and write a sentence with your help. Writing: “Today is Monday. It is May. Today I …………..” Music: Nursery Rhyme of the week: A sailor went to Sea Playtime/P.E: Play time:
Tuesday 12th– Music: Recite Nursery Rhyme of the week. You could try doing this dance to it, Spelling: Unit 13 Spellings Read page 4 new word is what Complete page 46 of Activity Book. Phonics: Sound “oi” Go to 0:43. Write “oi” with your finger. Watch this video, before she says the word pause the video and see if your child can read the word from her sounding it out. After she reads the word, ask your child to identify the “oi” in the word. After this. complete this worksheet Maths: Capacity - Measure how many mugs of water would it take to fill up a saucepan and a bowl. Irish: If you have downloaded Bua na Cainte go onto “Sa Bhaile, Ceacht 6” listen to the amhrán, and then go onto the Scéal, and then play the games. Science: Butterflies If you have the book The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle at home you could read this. Get your child to repeat the sentence that is repeated throughout the book “But he was still hungry”. If you don’t, here is a link to the book: you can skip to 0:19 After this, discuss with your child what happened and what was the first thing we seen: (the egg) what happened next (he turned into a caterpillar) what did he eat? How many ____ did he eat on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday? What happened after he ate all the food on Saturday, was he full? What happened when he was full? What was his house called? When he came out of his cocoon was he still a caterpillar? Play Time: Design your own butterfly or caterpillar, you could find out one fact about butterflies.
Wednesday 13th- Spellings: Unit 13 practise and then complete page 54. Read page 5 of Stop that Dog new words are come, cross, coming. Music: Recite Nursery Rhyme of the week. Practicing the dance also. Phonics: New sound “ue” Jolly phonics song. The action for “ue” is pointing around to people and saying you…you…you… After listening to “ue” song, watch this video. Like before, before she says the word pause the video and see if your child can read the word from her sounding it out. After she reads the word, ask your child to identify the “ue” in the word. Maths: Complete page 140 of Cracking Maths. Religion: Ask your child about ways they have used water today. E.g. brushing their teeth, washing their hands. Then ask them what it would be like if we didn’t have any water, and explain there are parts of the world where it doesn’t rain for months and months; ask them what it would be like to live there. Then ask them apart from people what else needs water to live. After this, watch the video of Enestina a little girl who lives in Malawi Afterwards you could ask some questions like: What way does she get water? How are her family similar to ours and how is her family different? I wonder what would be different if she had taps in her house and in school? After your discussion, complete page 46 and 47 of Grow in Love. Play time/ PE - Dance: Water: after your discussion, fill up a basin or a sink with water (outside) and give your dolls a bath or play with some cars and boats.
Thursday 14th- Spellings: Unit 13 practise Spellings. Read page 6 of Stop that Dog, new words are Finn’s, lead, hold, that. Complete page 47 of Activity Book. Music: Reciting the Nursery Rhyme. Phonics: Revising h Jolly phonics song. Watch the h video Talk about any h words. Look at h on the white card. Trace the h on page 17 with your finger. Complete page 19 and 20 of Onwards and Upwards (purple book). Maths: Page 2 (ignore page 1) of this twinkl worksheet. (you’ll need to print this off) Help your child with reading the words full and half full. You could help by filling up a glass writing full beside it and then half filling up another glass and writing half full beside it. Irish: If have downloaded Bua na Cainte go onto “Sa Bhaile, Ceacht 7” listen to the amhrán, and then go onto the Scéal, and then play the games. SPHE: Ruby Find’s a Worry This is a good book to help your children talk to you if they feel worried about anything during these times. The most important part of the book is that she shares her worry and it goes away. Afterwards you can complete page 2 of this pack. Where your child draws a worry they have, you could get them to discuss their drawing. Play time: Build a sandcastle out of sand or blocks at home.
Friday 15th – Spelling: Unit 13 page 55. Then complete a little spelling test. With the 10 words. Read page 7 of Stop that Dog new words are walking, pulling. Music: Recite Nursery Rhyme. Irish: Bua na Cainte, Sa Bhaile, Ceacht 8, Amhrán, Scéal, Cluiche. Page 39 in Bua na Cainte. Writing: “Today is Friday. It is May. This week my favourite playtime was …..” Helping your child spell the words they wish to write, they can sound them out. Maths: Fill up some bottles: Make one full, one nearly full, half full and one empty. Using this language. Art: Some butterfly art: Here is two options Play Time/PE: Just Dance: Five little monkeys:
Thank you for all the work you are doing with your child, Ms. Goldrick Work for Junior Infants: 11th May – 15th May 2020
Dear Parents, Please find a pack of work for this week. If you don’t get everything done don’t worry, this is only a suggestion of a daily plan. Please do any written work in free writing copies. Everyday if you could go through the day of the week with your child, asking what day is it today, what month and what season.
Monday 11th– Spelling: Words for the Week: Sound out and write: 2 per day Up, let, rod, hop, cot, mud, bed, lid, bit, bat Phonics: Go through jolly phonic sounds on white card. Literactive game where children blend 3 letter words and match to the picture. Maths: sing this song with them and dance along. Start of with 1-5, if your child is completing this easily complete 1-10. Page 32 of Cracking Maths Home School Link. (Skinny book) Writing: Draw a picture of one thing you’ve done (e.g. watched my favourite TV show, played outside) today and write a sentence with your help. Writing: “Today is Monday. It is May. Today I …………..” Reading: The Lost Ball, (page 8). Before you start this book write out the new word on the page, and go through these words with your child. “Is, lost, says, Get”. Music: Nursery Rhyme of the week: A sailor went to Sea Playtime/P.E: Play time:
Tuesday 12th– Music: Recite Nursery Rhyme of the week. You could try doing this dance to it, Spelling: rod, hop Read page 8 of the Lost Ball and revise new words: Is, lost, says, Get Phonics: Sound "oi" Go to 0:43. Write “oi” with your finger. Watch this video, before she says the word pause the video and see if your child can read the word from her sounding it out. After she reads the word, ask your child to identify the “oi” in the word. After this complete this worksheet Maths: Capacity - Full and Empty Watch this video and revise what is empty. You could go around your house and look for things that are empty. E.g. an empty shopping bag. After this complete page 77 of Cracking Maths. Irish: If have downloaded Bua na Cainte go onto “Sa Bhaile, Ceacht 6” listen to the amhrán, and then go onto the Scéal, and then play the games. Science: Butterflies If you have the book The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle at home you could read this. Get your child to repeat the sentence that is repeated throughout the book “But he was still hungry”. If you don’t, here is a link to the book: you can skip to 0:19 After this, discuss with your child what happened and what was the first thing we seen: (the egg) what happened next (he turned into a caterpillar) what did he eat? How many ____ did he eat on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday? What happened after he ate all the food on Saturday, was he full? What happened when he was full? What was his house called? When he came out of his cocoon was he still a caterpillar? Play Time: Design your own butterfly or caterpillar, you could find out one fact about butterflies.
Wednesday 13th- Spellings: cot, mud Read page 9 of the Lost Ball. Write out the new word “and” Page 26 and 27 of Activity Book. Music: Recite Nursery Rhyme of the week. Practicing the dance also. Phonics: New sound “ue” Jolly phonics song. The action for “ue” is pointing around to people and saying you…you…you… After listening to “ue” song, watch this video. Like before, before she says the word pause the video and see if your child can read the word from her sounding it out. After she reads the word, ask your child to identify the “ue” in the word. Maths: Look for things around the house that are full e.g. a full bowl of fruit, or a full bag. Then complete page 78 in Cracking Maths. Religion: Ask your child about ways they have used water today. E.g. brushing their teeth, washing their hands. Then ask them what it would be like if we didn’t have any water, and explain there are parts of the world where it doesn’t rain for months and months; ask them what it would be like to live there. Then ask them apart from people what else needs water to live. After this watch the video of Enestina a little girl who lives in Malawi Afterwards you could ask some questions like: What way does she get water? How are her family similar to ours and how is her family different? I wonder what would be different if she had taps in her house and in school? After your discussion complete page 46 and 47 of Grow in Love. Play time/ PE - Dance: Water: after your discussion, fill up a basin or a sink with water (outside) and give your dolls a bath or play with some cars and boats.
Thursday 14th- Spellings: bed, lid Read page 9. Music: Reciting the Nursery Rhyme. Phonics: Revising g and n Jolly phonics song. g And n Look at g and n on the white card. Trace the g and n with your finger. Complete page 45 and 46 of Onwards and Upwards (green book). Maths: We are going to be learning about things that are nearly full. Watch this video with your child If possible you could complete this with them. Afterwards complete page 79 of Cracking Maths. Irish: If you have downloaded Bua na Cainte go onto “Sa Bhaile, Ceacht 7” listen to the amhrán, and then go onto the Scéal, and then play the games. SPHE: Ruby Find’s a Worry This is a good book to help your children talk to you if they feel worried about anything during these times. The most important part of the book is that she shares her worry and it goes away. Afterwards you can complete page 2 of this pack. Where your child draws a worry they have, you could get them to discuss their drawing. Play time: Build a sandcastle out of sand or blocks at home.
Friday 15th– Spelling: bit, bat Page 10 of the Lost Ball. There is no new words here. Music: Recite Nursery Rhyme. Irish: Bua na Cainte, Sa Bhaile, Ceacht 8, Amhrán, Scéal, Cluiche. Page 39 in Bua na Cainte. Writing: “Today is Friday. It is May. This week my favourite playtime was …..” Helping your child spell the words they wish to write, they can sound them out. Maths: Fill up some bottles. Make one full, one nearly full, and one empty. Using this language. Art: Some butterfly art: Here is two options Play Time/PE: Just Dance: Five little monkeys:
Thank you for all the work you are doing with your child, Ms. Goldrick Hi everyone, I’m sure you all heard that it seems we won’t get back to school before the summer holidays. But the good news is that if we all keep sticking to the rules, it won’t be long until we can meet one or two of our friends at a time. We’re into the season of summer now, so hopefully we’ll still have lots of sunny days to play outside after we’ve done some school work. Monday is a Bank Holiday and we would have been off school anyway so don’t work too hard!
Everyone’s health and wellbeing is what matters most at this time, so please:
All pupils are encouraged to: 1. Watch RTE Home School Hub daily (11 – 12 o’clock) and complete activities/projects they set for your class level. You will find the activities at (1st – 6th class) 2. Spend time every day reading something you’ll enjoy. Reading is so important, so please prioritise some reading every day. 3. Seomra Ranga Stay at Home Quiz – 20 questions each Monday – Friday. Answers must be in by 3pm and each day there is a prize of a €20 book voucher. A great way to test your knowledge or practice your research skills. Make sure you practice all your safety steps when using the internet to search for the answers. 4. – Explore Åras an Uachtaráin – Aras an Uachtaráin is a very important building because it is where the President of Ireland (Michael D. Higgins) lives. When leaders from other countries come to visit Ireland, they always visit the President at Aras an Uachtaráin. Aras an Uachtaráin is located in the Phoenix Park in Dublin, not far away from Dublin Zoo. It is a very old and historic building. This link is a virtual tour of the building. You can go into lots of rooms, look at everything in the rooms and even zoom in on things. Click the green arrow to move into a new room. Take a look at the ceilings, furniture and style of the building. Is it like your house/different? How? Take the virtual tour and record your virtual visit by writing and/or drawing a picture. 5. Electricity – do a survey in your house recording all the items that use electricity – perhaps you could keep a tally. Try to identify what the electricity causes to happen in each appliance. Does it heat up, like a kettle? Or light up, like a lamp? Or does a part move, like a kitchen blender? Write and draw about some of the things we use electricity for. * Extra optional activity – you could invent your own imaginary electrical appliance. What would it do? It doesn’t have to be realistic - it can be as wacky as you like. Draw it, and describe what it does. I’d definitely make a machine to wash, dry, iron and put away the laundry!
No spelling – English or Irish, this week due to the Bank Holiday.
English Handwriting – 1st, 2nd and 3rd Class Please complete 1 page in your handwriting workbook.
1st Class Read and complete activities for unit 14 of Two Little Frogs.
2nd Class Read and complete activities for unit 14 of The Green Genie.
3rd Class Read and complete activities for unit 25 of The Talking Horse.
4th, 5th and 6th Class Next Unit in Reading Zone plus written activities.
Maths I hope everyone got on okay with their maths last week, and I hope that the videos helped. If you found it difficult, don’t panic. Try your best – that’s all anyone can ask. We’ll all help each other with the hard bits once we’re back to school.
1st Class Complete Chapter Subtraction 3 in your Cracking Maths.
Do you remember how to skip count in 10s to 100? Remember how we looked at what happens on our hundred square when we add or subtract 10? This video should remind you of what we know already and really help you with this week’s work - Play a range of games on Topmarks. Tables (-6) Ask someone to test you at the end of the week.
2nd Class Complete Chapter Place Value 2 in Cracking Maths. You all know lots about tens and units. Now, this week, we will learn a little more about hundreds – HTU. Play a range of maths games on Topmarks. Tables (-7) Ask someone to test you at the end of the week.
3rd Class Some easier work this week – phew! This week we’ll be learning about symmetry. If you found Multiplication hard last week, you could also spend more time on it this week, playing multiplication games, and solving problems by making groups of real things (pieces of pasta, pencils, beads, etc) The symmetry Chapter starts on p.135. You can find lots of symmetrical shapes all around you. This video should help to refresh your understanding of symmetry. Play a range of maths games on Topmarks – perhaps focus mainly on multiplication and Daily 10. Tables (divide by 4) Ask someone to test you at the end of the week.
4th, 5th and 6th Class Next 3 Pages in Maths Book, try your best. Answer pages were added to the school website last week but please only use these after completing a section of work, you know how much I talk about the importance of seeing how the answer was found! Go over tables. Online Maths Games.
Gaeilge I understand that many parents will find it challenging to support pupils with Irish. Encourage pupils to try their best but if it causes stress, don’t hesitate to leave it. If you do not know how to read/pronounce a word, try using or Watch a cartoon of your choice on Cúla4, at least twice in the week. Don’t worry about understanding the words – its still great to listen, and its kind of fun.
1st and 2nd Class On Bua na Cainte app, go to ‘An Teilifís’, click Rainn and watch Haigh Didil Didil and Chuala Mise Éinín. Watch these each day and encourage your child to sing along as much as they can. Click on the academic hat in the bottom right corner to bring up the words. Also, listen to the scéal a number of times and complete colouring page on p.75. Also, from beginning of App, go to Ocáidí Speisialta, then Lá Breithe, watch Ceacht 1 + 2 and complete p.91 of book. Practice the question and answer – ‘Cén aois tú?’ ‘Tá mé ______ mbliana d’aois.’
3rd Class Complete p.128 – 134 of Béal Beo 3. The yellow boxes will help with some activities and don’t forget to use your CD for the story and listening tasks. If anything is too hard, don’t worry, try your best and then leave it for now. Also, don’t forget you could also try your dictionary or websites named above.
Question words and answer hints. I hope they are some help. Cá bhfuil X? – where is X? Tá X ar/sa …. Cad atá ar siúl? – what is happening/going on Cén? – what/which Cad? – what Cathain? – when Cé – who Cén fath? – why
4th Class Complete p142 – p145, don’t forget to use your CD.
5th and 6th Class Complete p132 – p135, don’t forget to use your CD. Work for Senior Infants: 5th May – 8th May 2020
Dear Parents, As Monday is a bank holiday take a break from work and read your favourite book and do something fun with your family, maybe have a picnic in the garden or in the sitting room. Please find a pack of work for this week. If you don’t get everything done don’t worry, this is only a suggestion of a daily plan. Please do any written work in free writing copies. Everyday if you could go through the day of the week with your child, asking what day is it today, what month and what season.
Tuesday 5th– Spelling: Words for the Week: Unit 13 Page 52. Complete Page 52. Phonics: Go through jolly phonic sounds on white card. Literactive game where children guess the last sound. Maths: Roll a dice, if you don’t have one at home use the online dice. Set it to two dice. Get your child to make sets of the number of the dice and write the number. Writing: Draw a picture of one thing you’ve done (e.g. watched my favourite TV show, played outside) today and write a sentence with your help. Writing: “Today is Tuesday. It is May. Today I …………..” Reading: What a Mess! Acitivity book page 36 and 42. Music: Nursery rhyme of the week: Mr. Golden Sun
Oh, Mr. Sun, Sun, Mr. Golden Sun
These little children are asking you
Shine down on me, shine shine shine Shine down on me, shine shine shine Shine down on me, shine shine shine Shine down on me, shine shine shine
Oh, Mr. Sun, Mr. Sun, Mr. Golden Sun Oh, Mr. Sun, Sun, Mr. Golden Sun Please shine down on me
Oh, Mr. Sun, Sun, Mr. Golden Sun Hiding behind a tree
These little children are asking you To please come out so we can play with you Oh, Mr. Sun, Sun, Mr. Golden Sun Playtime/P.E: Play time: Play a board game, with someone in your house and remember to take nice turns.
Wednesday 6th– Music: Recite nursery rhyme of the week. Spelling: Revise unit 13 spellings. What a Mess! and page 44 of activity book. Phonics: Sound “oi” Go to 0:43. Write “oi” in playdough. Watch this video, before she says the word pause the video and see if your child can read the word from her sounding it out. After she reads the word, ask your child to identify the "oi" in the word. After this, write the words with "oi" in it and draw a picture of them. Maths: New topic capacity - Full and Empty Get two plastic glasses one full of water the other empty; ask your child which is full, empty and half full. Irish: If you have downloaded Bua na Cainte go onto “Sa Bhaile, Ceacht 5” listen to the amhrán, and then go onto the Scéal, and then play the games. Then complete page 38 of Bua Na Cainte. SPHE: The Good Egg Read aloud In the story, the good egg leaves his carton behind when his shell starts to crack from the pressure of keeping everyone else in line. He goes out on his own and learns to truly take care of himself. After picking up some vital self care skills, he feels like he can go back to his carton. He takes these skills home and is able to take care of himself instead of taking on the pressure of taking care of others. Talk to your child about what they like to do to make them feel happy when they feel annoyed or sad. Get them to draw a picture of two things that make them feel happy. E.g. Play football, do art, play with their siblings. Play Time: Put together a jigsaw.
Thursday 7th- Spellings: Practise Unit 13 Spellings. Stop that Dog – New Book! Writing out new words on page one before they begin reading the book “kicking, digging, happy” Page 45 of activity book. Music: Recite nursery rhyme of the week. Phonics: Revising h Jolly phonics song. Watch the h video Talk about any h words. Look at h on the white card. Trace the h on page 17 with your finger. Complete page 17 and 18 of Onwards and Upwards (purple book). Maths: Place different containers in front of your child asking them which would hold the most and which would hold the least. After this, complete page 139 of Cracking Maths. Religion: Discuss what we know about Mary on page 63 of Grow in Love. After this complete page 62 and 63 of Grow in Love. Play time/ PE - Dance: Gonoodle Trolls can’t stop the feeling.
Friday 8th- Spellings: Unit 13 spellings. Read page 2, Writing out the new words “flower, flowers” before they begin reading. Music: Reciting the nursery rhyme. Writing: “Today is Friday. It is May. This week my favourite playtime was …..” Helping your child spell the words they wish to write, they can sound them out. Maths: Look at this powerpoint on twinkl Discuss which one would hold more, this doesn’t need to be printed off. Art: This rainbow art/science is very fun and easy to do. Shown step by step on this website. Play Time: Build a house for your favourite toy or teddy.
Thank you for all the work you are doing with your child, Ms. Goldrick Work for Junior Infants: 5th May – 8th May 2020
Dear Parents, As Monday is a bank holiday take a break from work and read your favourite book and do something fun with your family, maybe have a picnic in the garden or in the sitting room. Please find a pack of work for this week. If you don’t get everything done don’t worry, this is only a suggestion of a daily plan. Please do any written work in free writing copies. Everyday, if you could go through the day of the week with your child, asking what day is it today, what month and what season.
Tuesday 5th– Spelling: Words for the Week: Sound out and write: 2 per day set, hit, it, dip, mum, bet, yes, hut Phonics: Go through jolly phonic sounds on white card. Literactive game where children guess the last sound. Maths: Roll a dice, if you don’t have one at home use the online dice. Set it to one dice. Get your child to make sets of the number of the dice and write the number. Writing: Draw a picture of one thing you’ve done (e.g. watched my favourite TV show, played outside) today and write a sentence with your help. Writing: “Today is Tuesday. It is May. Today I …………..” Reading: The Lost Ball, (page 6). Before you start this book write out the new word on the page, and go through these words with your child. “kicks”. Music: Nursery rhyme of the week: Mr. Golden Sun
Oh, Mr. Sun, Sun, Mr. Golden Sun
These little children are asking you
Shine down on me, shine shine shine Shine down on me, shine shine shine Shine down on me, shine shine shine Shine down on me, shine shine shine Oh, Mr. Sun, Mr. Sun, Mr. Golden Sun
Oh, Mr. Sun, Sun, Mr. Golden Sun Please shine down on me
Oh, Mr. Sun, Sun, Mr. Golden Sun
These little children are asking you Playtime/P.E: Play time: Wednesday 6th– Music: Recite nursery rhyme of the week. Spelling: it, dip Read page 6 of the Lost Ball and revise new word “kicks”. Phonics: Sound "oi" Go to 0:43. Write “oi” in playdough. Watch this video, before she says the word pause the video and see if your child can read the word from her sounding it out. After she reads the word, ask your child to identify the “oi” in the word. After this write 3 words with “oi” in it and draw a picture. Maths: New topic capacity - Full and Empty Get two plastic glasses one full of water the other empty; ask your child which is full and which is empty. Irish: If you have downloaded Bua na Cainte go onto “Sa Bhaile, Ceacht 5” listen to the amhrán, and then go onto the Scéal, and then play the games. Then complete page 38 of Bua Na Cainte. SPHE: The Good Egg Read aloud In the story, the good egg leaves his carton behind when his shell starts to crack from the pressure of keeping everyone else in line. He goes out on his own and learns to truly take care of himself. After picking up some vital self care skills, he feels like he can go back to his carton. He takes these skills home and is able to take care of himself instead of taking on the pressure of taking care of others.
Play Time: Put together a jigsaw.
Thursday 7th- Spellings: mum, bet Read page 7 of the Lost Ball. Write out the new words “Up” (this time up has a capital “U”) before starting to read the page. Page 24 and 25 of Activity Book. Music: Recite nursery rhyme of the week. Phonics: Revising h Jolly phonics song. Watch the h video Talk about any h words. Look at h on the white card. Trace the h on page 43 with your finger. Complete page 43 and 44 of Onwards and Upwards (green book). Maths: Look for things around the house that is full and look around for things that are empty. Then complete page 76. Religion: Discuss what we know about Mary on page 63 of Grow in Love. After this complete page 62 and 63 of Grow in Love. Play time/ PE - Dance: Gonoodle Trolls can’t stop the feeling.
Friday 8th- Spellings: yes, hut Read page 7, complete page 24 and 25 of activity books. Music: Reciting the nursery rhyme. Writing: “Today is Friday. It is May. This week my favourite playtime was …..” Helping your child spell the words they wish to write, they can sound them out. Maths: Look at page 24 of Cracking Maths home school link (Skinny Book). Art: This rainbow art/science is very fun and easy to do. Shown step by step on this website. Play Time: Build a house for your favourite toy or teddy.
Thank you for all the work you are doing with your child, Ms. Goldrick
Cracking Maths Answers
1st Class
2nd Class
3rd Class
4th Class
5th Class
6th Class Hi everyone, I hope everyone is staying healthy and well at home. I’m sure you’re missing your friends and everyone is missing you too, but hopefully we’ll be able to be back to school before long.
Everyone’s health and wellbeing is what matters most at this time, so please:
All pupils are encouraged to: 1. Watch RTE Home School Hub daily (11 – 12 o’clock) and complete activities/projects they set for your class level. You will find the activities at (1st – 6th class) 2. Spend time every day reading something you’ll enjoy. Reading is so important, so please prioritise some reading every day. 3. Complete some more activities from the Great Isolation Activity Book. I hope you enjoyed the activities you completed last week. 4. May Day – Friday 1st May is known as May Day. In the past, May Day was important to people as they welcomed the beginning of summer and the busy time of year for farmers who would have a lot of work to do in the fields (especially when there were no tractors or machines to help – work was done with horses, simple machines and hand tools.) May is also a special month where we remember Mary, Jesus’ Mother. People celebrated May Day by collecting wild flowers, such as daisies and primroses, and decorating their doorstep with the flowers on the evening before May Day. Perhaps, on Thursday evening, you could collect some flowers from your garden, or on a safe walk with an adult, and take part in this tradition. People also celebrated Mary by creating an altar in their house, usually with a statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary and some May flowers. You may wish to take part in this tradition also. In fact, there are many, many traditions associated with May Day in Ireland throughout history. Here is a link with pictures and lots of information about old Irish traditions involving May Day - 5. Seomra Ranga Stay at Home Quiz – 20 questions each Monday – Friday. Answers must be in by 3pm and each day there is a prize of a €20 book voucher. A great way to test your knowledge or practice your research skills. Make sure you practice all your safety steps when using the internet to search for the answers.
English Next unit of Spelling workbook for each class. $ Use Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check method to learn spellings. $ Put some words into sentences. $ Ask someone to test you at the end of the week.
1st Class Read and complete activities for unit 13 of Two Little Frogs.
2nd Class Read and complete activities for unit 13 of The Green Genie.
3rd Class Read and complete activities for unit 24 of The Talking Horse.
4th, 5th and 6th Class Next unit in Reading Zone plus written activities.
Maths I hope everyone got on okay with their maths last week, and I hope that the videos helped. If you found it difficult, don’t panic. Try your best – that’s all anyone can ask. We’ll all help each other with the hard bits once we’re back to school.
1st Class Complete Chapter Place Value 2 in Cracking Maths. It starts on p.107. This video will hopefully be a reminder about tens and units and will help with your work this week. Play a range of games on Topmarks. Tables (-5) Ask someone to test you at the end of the week.
2nd Class Complete Chapter Subtraction 3 in Cracking Maths. It starts on p.76. Remember to: * give each digit its own box * line up correctly – tens under tens and unit under unit * always start with units first The number on top is the amount you have. You take away the number on the bottom. Bigger number must always be on top. There are examples of how to do these in your book. These videos may also help you:
Play a range of maths games on Topmarks. Tables (-6) Ask someone to test you at the end of the week.
3rd Class Complete Chapter Multiplication 4 in your Cracking Maths. It starts on p.141. You do not have to do every sum. Do some from each section and be sure you understand before moving on. This chapter may be difficult without someone to explain it in person, but try your best and if there’s someone who can help you, ask for help if you need it.
This video shows how to multiply big numbers by breaking them into smaller numbers (like on p.143) – this video separates the big number into tens and units.
This video shows how to multiply big numbers the short way (p144), but he writes his 4 in the wrong place when carrying it (this happens at 1min 30). We would put a small 4 in the empty tens box beside the x sign. Look at the examples on p.144.
If p.142 and 143 are too confusing, skip on for now. Watch the second video, look at examples on p.144 and give them a go.
Play a range of maths games on Topmarks. Tables (divide by 2 and 3) Ask someone to test you at the end of the week.
4th, 5th and 6th Class Complete next 3 pages from Maths Book into Maths Copy, try your best is all that is asked. Go over tables both division and multiplication. Online Maths games.
Gaeilge I understand that many parents will find it challenging to support pupils with Irish. Encourage pupils to try their best but if it causes stress, don’t hesitate to leave it.
If you do not know how to read/pronounce a word, try using or
Watch a cartoon of your choice on Cúla4, at least twice in the week. Don’t worry about understanding the words – its still great to listen, and its kind of fun.
Litrigh É Linn (only for 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th Class) An Teilifís – seachtain 3
1st and 2nd Class
On Bua na Cainte app, go to ‘An Teilifís’ and watch Ceacht 6, Ceacht 7 and Ceacht 8. Click on ‘Rainn’ and watch Haigh Didil Didil each day and encourage child to say the words along with it.
Complete p.71 - 74 in Bua na Cainte. (Topic: An Teilifis) Talk about television using these questions:
* Cén clár teilifíse (TV programme) is fearr leat? Is fearr liom ______ * An maith leat _____? Is maith / Ní maith liom ______
Clár spórt (sport) dúlra (dool-ra) – nature nuacht (noo-ockt) – news cartún (cartoon)
3rd Class Complete p.123 - 127 of Béal Beo 3.
The yellow boxes will help with some activities and don’t forget to use your CD for the story and listening tasks. If anything is too hard, don’t worry, try your best and then leave it for now. Also, don’t forget you could also try your dictionary.
4th Class Complete p139 – p141, don’t forget to use your CD.
5th and 6th Class Complete p129 – p131, don’t forget to use your CD.
Work for Senior Infants: 27th April – 1st May 2020
Dear Parents, Please find a pack of work for this week. If you don’t get everything done don’t worry, this is only a suggestion of a daily plan. Please do any written work in free writing copies. Everyday if you could go through the day of the week with your child, asking what day is it today, what month and what season.
Monday 27th – Spelling: Unit 12 – page 50. Phonics: Go through jolly phonic sounds on white card. Revision g – Onwards and Upwards page 13 and 14. Maths: Top Marks Game: Copy and paste into Internet. Your child may need help with the word. Writing: Draw a picture of one thing you’ve done (e.g. watched my favourite TV show, played outside) today and write a sentence with your help. Writing: “Today is Monday. It is April. Today I …………..” Reading: What a Mess!, and page 33 of Activity book. Music: Nursery rhyme of the week: Jack and Jill
Jack and Jill
Jack and Jill
Jack and Jill Playtime/P.E: Play time: Theme - Spring
Tuesday 28th – Music: Recite nursery rhyme of the week. Spelling: Unit 12. Phonics: Sound “ou” Go to 0:23. Write "ou" in playdough. Read the story from last week. and talk about any of the “ou” words that you found last week. Write a sentence about the story using “ou” words. Maths: 3D Shapes - Cracking Maths: page 81 Irish: If have downloaded Bua na Cainte go onto “Sa Bhaile, Ceacht 3” listen to the amhrán, and then go onto the Scéal, and then play the games. SPHE: The Bad Seed, Read aloud This book is about a “bad” seed who makes good choices. After this you can ask your child some of the following questions: This story is about a sunflower seed that everyone has decided, even himself, that he is “bad”. What do you think it means to be “bad”? What does it mean to be “good”? I’m noticing that the seed talks about himself pretty negatively and other people are talking about him being bad too. How do you think that affects him? Do you think all of these behaviors make him a bad seed? (If a person did it, would they be a bad person?) How could the other seeds around him have acted differently when he misbehaved? How do you think the seed felt when he fell to the ground? When he was in the bag? When he was almost eaten? It almost seems like after the scary stuff happened that he decided he was bad and should act bad. Why do you think he decided to change? After this your child could draw a picture of the “bad” seed making good choices in a thought bubble. Like the ones on this page Play Time: P.E. / Play Online dice: Click up to 5 or use a real dice Roll the dice and do that number of: jumps, hops, claps, jumping jacks, dabs, frog jumps, sprints, laps around the garden, bear walk, etc.
Wednesday 29th- Spellings: Unit 12 – page 51. Read 2 pages of What a Mess! Music: Recite nursery rhyme of the week – and listen out for any rhyming words. Phonics: Revision. Onwards and Upwards page 15 and 16. Maths: With some play dough make some 3D shapes. Page 82 of Cracking Maths. Religion: Look back on page 38 and 39 of Grow in Love and discuss about what happened to Jesus. Watch the video “An Easter Surprise” After this complete page 40 and 41 of Grow in Love. Play time/ PE: Cosmic Yoga for Kids: Squish the Fish.
Thursday 30th- Spellings: Unit 12 practice spellings. Music: Recite Nursery Rhyme – Draw a picture of Jack and Jill going up the hill, writing “Up” at the top of the page. Irish: Bua na Cainte app “Sa Bhaile, Ceacht 4” Listen to the song, the scéal, play the games. After this complete page 37 of Bua na Cainte. Phonics: New sound, “oi” Go to 0:43. Practice writing "oi" in lots of different colours. Listen for “oi” in the song. Complete worksheet. Maths: Make a house out of 3D shapes discussing the shapes. Print off this colouring by 3D shape worksheet – pick one Science: Lifecycle of a plant: Watch this video and discuss. After this complete If you can plant some seeds, plant some and watch them grow daily, give your child the responsibility of watering the plant.
Friday 1st- Spellings: Unit 12 spelling test. Close the book and ask your child to put the date 1/5/2020 at the top of the page and the numbers 1 – 10 along the side of the page. Ask your child the spellings slowly. Music: Reciting the nursery rhyme. Draw Jack and Jill going down the hill. Writing “down”. Writing: “Today is Friday. It is May. This week my favourite playtime was …..” Helping your child spell the words they wish to write, they can sound them out. Maths: Twinkl worksheet – 2D shapes and 3D shapes. Reading: What a Mess! Page 34 and 35 of Activity Book. Art: Drawing a Sunflower: You can skip to 0:17. All you need is pencils, paper and colours. You can discuss with your child about the seeds we planted and how this flower started off as a seed and has grown so tall. Play Time: Click on the link and play the song 'Sing a Song of Flowers'. What colours are mentioned in the song?
Thank you, Ms. Goldrick
Work for Junior Infants: 27th April – 1st May 2020
Dear Parents, Please find a pack of work for this week. If you don’t get everything done don’t worry, this is only a suggestion of a daily plan. Please do any written work in free writing copies. Everyday if you could go through the day of the week with your child, asking what day is it today, what month and what season.
Monday 27th – Spelling: Words for the week: Sound out and write: 2 per day cap, dot, mat, tap, did, rot, sat, pet, had, ham Phonics: Go through jolly phonic sounds on white card. After this get your child’s favourite storybook and ask them to look for some letters that they know. Maths: Top Marks Game: Copy and paste into Internet. Your child may need help with the word. Writing: Draw a picture of one thing you’ve done (e.g. watched my favourite TV show, played outside) today and write a sentence with your help. Writing: “Today is Monday. It is April. Today I …………..” Reading: The Lost Ball, (page 2). Before you start this book write out the new words on the page, and go through these words with your child. "of" Music: Nursery rhyme of the week: Jack and Jill
Jack and Jill
Jack and Jill
Jack and Jill Playtime/P.E: Play time: Theme - Spring
Tuesday 28th – Music: Recite nursery rhyme of the week. Spelling: mat, tap Read page 3 of the Lost Ball and revise new word “of”. Phonics: Sound "ou" Go to 0:23. Write "ou" in playdough. Read the story from last week. and talk about any of the "ou" words that you found last week. Maths: 3D Shapes - Cracking Maths: home/school link book (skinny book) page 27. Go through the shapes on the page and discuss which ones can roll. If possible and you have these objects at home, roll these yourself, and then colour the book. Irish: If have downloaded Bua na Cainte go onto “Sa Bhaile, Ceacht 3” listen to the amhrán, and then go onto the Scéal, and then play the games. SPHE: The Bad Seed, read aloud This book is about a “bad” seed who makes good choices. After this you can ask your child some of the following questions: This story is about a sunflower seed that everyone has decided, even himself, that he is “bad”. What do you think it means to be “bad”? What does it mean to be “good”? I’m noticing that the seed talks about himself pretty negatively and other people are talking about him being bad too. How do you think that affects him? Do you think all of these behaviors make him a bad seed? (If a person did it, would they be a bad person?) How could the other seeds around him have acted differently when he misbehaved? How do you think the seed felt when he fell to the ground? When he was in the bag? When he was almost eaten? It almost seems like after the scary stuff happened that he decided he was bad and should act bad. Why do you think he decided to change? After this your child could draw a picture of the “bad” seed making good choices in a thought bubble. Like the ones on this page Play Time: Click up to 5 or use a real dice Roll the dice and do that number of: jumps, hops, claps, jumping jacks, dabs, frog jumps, sprints, laps around the garden, bear walk, etc.
Wednesday 29th- Spellings: did, rot Read page 4 of the Lost Ball. Write out the new words “runs, to, get” before starting to read the page. Page 18 and 19 of Activity Book. Music: Recite nursery rhyme of the week – and listen out for any rhyming words. Phonics: Revising c and d Look at c and d on the white card. Discuss the sound they make. Complete page 41 and 42 of Onwards and Upwards (green book). Maths: With some play dough make some of the 3D shapes on page 27 of the Cracking Maths book – home/school link. (skinny book) Discuss the ones that you discovered could roll yesterday. Religion: Look back on page 38 and 39 of Grow in Love and discuss about what happened to Jesus. Watch the video “An Easter Surprise” After this complete page 40 and 41 of Grow in Love. Play time/ PE: Cosmic Yoga for Kids: Squish the Fish.
Thursday 30th- Spellings: sat, pet Reading Page 4. Music: Recite Nursery Rhyme – Draw a picture of Jack and Jill going up the hill, writing “Up” at the top of the page. Irish: Bua na Cainte app “Sa Bhaile, Ceacht 4” Listen to the song, the scéal, play the games. After this complete page 37 of Bua na Cainte. Phonics: New sound, "oi" Go to 0:43. Practice writing “oi” in lots of different colours. Listen for “oi” in the song. Print out booklet. Maths: Make a house out of 3D shapes discussing the shapes. Science: Lifecycle of a plant: Watch this video and discuss. After this complete If you can plant some seeds, plant some and watch them grow daily, give your child the responsibility of watering the plant.
Friday 1st- Spellings: had, ham Music: Reciting the nursery rhyme. Draw Jack and Jill going down the hill. Writing “down”. Writing: “Today is Friday. It is May. This week my favourite playtime was …..” Helping your child spell the words they wish to write, they can sound them out. Maths: Look at page 86 of Cracking Maths. Discuss which ones would be best for stacking or building. You can test these out. After this complete the page. Ask them why these would be the best objects for building. Reading: The Lost Ball page 5, new word “rug”. Page 20 and 21 Activity Book. Art: Drawing a Sunflower: You can skip to 0:17. All you need is pencils, paper and colours. You can discuss with your child about the seeds we planted and how this flower started off as a seed and has grown so tall. Play Time: Click on the link and play the song 'Sing a Song of Flowers'. What colours are mentioned in the song?
Thank you, Ms. Goldrick
Hi everyone, I hope everyone enjoyed their Easter break with their family. I hope the Easter bunny arrived to you all and that you’re all ready to get back to doing some learning at home. It’s a little different, I know, but we’re all in this together.
Everyone’s health and wellbeing is what matters most at this time, so please: Try to spend some time daily on school work but do not stress about it. Spend lots of time every day being active and away from a screen. Wash your hands after using the toilet, before eating and when you return home after being out. Try to keep in contact with your friends, even if you are not able to meet up. Talk to someone if you’re upset or worried about anything. Try to do something nice for someone else in your house every day.
All pupils are encouraged to: 1. Watch RTE School on TV daily (11 – 12 o’clock) and complete activities/projects they set for your class level. You will find the activities at (1st – 6th class) 2. Spend time every day reading something you’ll enjoy. 3. Complete some activities from the Great Isolation Activity Book. – There are lots of activities so leave some for next week. Don’t worry if you can’t print it out. You can copy and complete chosen activities on a blank page/copy. 4. Spend some time outside observing nature. Its Spring time, so there is lots of changes happening and lots of new life to see. - Can you see any lambs/calves in fields close to your house? - Trees are now starting to grow leaves – can you find any? - See can you identify some of the birds you may see around your home and garden. The picture posted on Twitter will help you to identify them. You could record what you find by writing about it and/or drawing pictures.
English Next unit of Spelling Workbook for each class. 1. Use Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check method to learn spellings. 2. Put some words into sentences 3. Ask someone to test you at the end of the week.
1st Class Read and complete activities for unit 12 of Two Little Frogs.
2nd Class Read and complete activities for unit 12 of The Green Genie.
3rd Class Read and complete activities for unit 23 of The Talking Horse.
4th, 5th and 6th Class Next unit plus written activities in Reading Zone.
Maths This youtube video will help to explain Fractions
1st Class Complete chapters on Fractions and Check Up 2 in your Cracking Maths. Play a range of games on Topmarks. Tables (-4) Ask someone to test you at the end of the week.
2nd Class Complete chapter on fractions in your Cracking Maths. You do not have to do every sum. Do some from each section and be sure you understand before moving on. Play a range of maths games on Topmarks, including some on fractions. Tables (-5) Ask someone to test you at the end of the week.
3rd Class Complete chapter ‘Fractions 2’ in your Cracking Maths. Don’t forget to draw dots, pictures, etc. if you are stuck. You do not have to do every sum. Do some from each section and be sure you understand before moving on.
Finding a fraction of a number
Play a range of maths games on Topmarks, including some on fractions. Tables (x12) Ask someone to test you at the end of the week.
4th, 5th & 6th Class Complete next 3 pages from Maths Book into copy, try your best is all that is asked. Go over tables both division and multiplication. Online maths games.
Gaeilge I understand that many parents will find it challenging to support pupils with Irish. Encourage pupils to try their best but if it causes stress, don’t hesitate to leave it.
If you do not know how to read/pronounce a word, try using or
Watch a cartoon of your choice on Cúla4, at least twice in the week. Don’t worry about understanding the words – its still great to listen, and its kind of fun.
Litrigh É Linn (only for 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th & 6th Class) An Teilifís – seachtain 2
1st and 2nd Class
If you have access to a laptop and broadband, you can download the Bua na Cainte app which contains lessons in the form of animated videos using the vocabulary the pupils will be learning, along with songs, rhymes and games. It can be accessed at First and second class use Bua na Cainte 1 (First Class), the username is ‘trial’ and the password is ‘trial’.
Go to ‘An Teilifís’ and watch Ceacht 2, Ceacht 4 and Ceacht 5.
Complete p. 68 - 71 in Bua na Cainte. (Topic: An Teilifis) Talk about television using these questions:
* Cén clár teilifíse (TV programme) is fearr leat? Is fearr liom ______ * An maith leat _____? Is maith / Ní maith liom ______
Clár spórt (sport) dúlra (dool-ra) – nature nuacht (noo-ockt) – news cartún (cartoon)
3rd Class Complete p.117 – 122 of Béal Beo 3.
The yellow boxes will help with some activities and don’t forget to use your CD for the story. If anything is too hard, don’t worry, try your best and then leave it for now.
4th Class Complete p136 – p138, don’t forget to use your CD.
5th & 6th Class Complete p126 – 128, don’t forget to use your CD.
Work for Senior Infants: 20th April – 24th April 2020
Dear Parents, I hope that everyone had a lovely Easter. Please find a pack of work for this week. If you don’t get everything done don’t worry, this is only a suggestion of a daily plan. Please do any written work in free writing copies. Everyday if you could go through the day of the week with your child, asking what day is it today, what month and what season.
Monday 20th – Spelling: Unit 12 Spellings – complete page 48. Phonics: Go through jolly phonic sounds on white card, with your child make some words and try to read them, writing these words into their free writing copies. Maths: Top Marks Game: Copy and paste into tab. Writing : Draw a picture of one thing you’ve done (e.g. watched my favourite TV show, played outside) today and write a sentence with your help. Writing: “Today is Monday. It is April. Today I …………..” Reading: What A Mess! Music: Nursery rhyme of the week: Hot Cross Buns Hot Cross buns, One a penny, two a penny, Hot cross buns.
Hot Cross Buns Hot Cross buns, One a penny, two a penny, Hot cross buns.
Give them to your daughter, Give them to your sons. One a penny, two a penny, Hot cross buns (x2)
Playtime/P.E: Hokey Pokey GoNoodle
Tuesday 21st – Music: Recite nursery rhyme of the week. Spelling: Practise Spellings Unit 12. Phonics: New sound: “qu” listen to the song; up until 0:23. - Write “qu” in playdoh. Page 77 of Onwards and Upwards and read page 78, on page 78 can you get them to colour in anywhere they see qu or l. Maths: 3D Shapes - Video: 3D Shapes for kids – the singing walrus, ask your child to look around the house for any of the shapes. Reading: Read What a Mess! complete pg. 29 and 30 of Activity Book. Irish: Edco is making it possible for parents to download Bua na Cainte. However you will need a laptop and fast broadband as it is a huge file. If you decide to download it, the username is “trial” and the password is “trial”. Bua na Cainte is the Irish programme in most of our classes in school. You can download it at If you can download it go onto “Sa Bhaile, Ceacht 1” listen to the amhrán, and then go onto the Scéal, and then complete play the games. Play Time: Jigsaw.
Wednesday 22nd- Spellings: Unit 12 practice – Complete page 49. Music: Recite nursery rhyme of the week – and listen out for any rhyming words. Phonics: "qu” listen to the song; up until 0:23. - Talk about any words that have qu in it: Watch the video And discuss any words with qu. Page 77 of Onwards and Upwards and read page 79 and 80. Maths: Discuss any 3D shapes that they found yesterday. Religion: Before you watch this video look at last weeks page and discuss what happened during the last supper. Then watch the video Jesus Dies on the Cross (Copy and paste this into your browser). Complete Page 38 and then talk about page 39 in Grow in Love. Play time: Have a Teddy Bears picnic with 6 teddies - How many plates/cups etc. do you need?
Thursday 23rd- Spellings: Unit 12 practice spellings. Music: Recite Nursery Rhyme “Hot Cross Buns" – Listen and draw a picture about the song. Irish: Bua na Cainte app “Sa Bhaile, Ceacht 2” Listen to the song, the scéal, play the games, then complete Bua na Cainte page 36. Phonics: New sound, ou Go to 0:23. Practice writing ou in lots of different colours. Write some words that have “ou” in them. (Twinkl has free membership during school closure, you can avail of this free membership; Step 1: Go to Step 2: Enter the code CVDTWINKLHELPS.) Read the twinkl “ou” spotter story with your child and get them to write out the “ou” words. Maths: Make a train out of 3D shapes like the one on page 80. Identify what shapes you are using, after this complete page 80 in Cracking Maths. Word Work: Look and read sight words: big went are come if Afterwards write these words into free writing copy and put them all into a sentence orally and write two into sentences. Playtime: Make a house or apartment building out of bricks/blocks/lego.
Friday 24th- Spellings: Unit 12 – practice. Music: Reciting the nursery rhyme. Drawing their favourite part of the song, discuss the rhyming words again. Writing: Write about what their favourite thing to do today was. Using, “Today is Friday. It is April. Today I …..” or their favourite “Playtime this week”. Helping your child spell the words they wish to write, they can sound them out. Maths: Look at this poster on twinkl and talk about what 3D shapes they can see. Try and draw your own person using 3D shapes or copy one of the people on the poster. Irish: Call this out to your child: Try and let them figure out the Irish. Draw a “Teach” (house) with cúig fuinneoga (five windows) doras amháin (one door) díon amháin (one roof) agus dhá simléar (two chimneys). Colour the Teach buí (yellow) an doras donn (a brown door) na fuinneoga bán (white windows) díon oráiste (orange roof) agus simléar dearg (red chimneys). Reading: What a Mess! page 31 and 32 of Activity Book. Art: Drawing Dandelions: Listen to this story about Dandelions and discuss it with your child: After this you can draw your dandelions like these ones: If you don’t have paint you can do this with pencils. If you like after this you can go for a “Dandelion Hunt” in the garden and try find some, or just discuss if you’ve ever seen them before and where. Play Time: Children play with mini trucks/diggers/other construction objects related to house and building.
Thank you, Ms. Goldrick Work for Junior Infants: 20th April – 24th April 2020
Dear Parents, I hope that everyone had a lovely Easter. Please find a pack of work for this week. If you don’t get everything done don’t worry, this is only a suggestion of a daily plan. Please do any written work in free writing copies. Everyday if you could go through the day of the week with your child, asking what day is it today, what month and what season.
Monday 20th – Spelling: Words for the Week: Sound out and write: 2 per day cat, dog, Dad, red, top, six, him, hat, sad, hot Phonics: Go through jolly phonic sounds on white card. After this pick a page of an old magazine or newspaper and look for some letters or words they know. Get them to cut them out and stick them onto a page. Maths: Top Marks Game: Copy and paste into Internet. Writing: Draw a picture of one thing you’ve done (e.g. watched my favourite TV show, played outside) today and write a sentence with your help. Writing: “Today is Monday. It is April. Today I …………..” Reading: The Lost Ball, (first page). Before you start this book write out the new words on the page, and go through these words with your child. “Here” “is” “Max”. Music: Nursery rhyme of the week: Hot Cross Buns Hot Cross buns, One a penny, two a penny, Hot cross buns.
Hot Cross Buns Hot Cross buns, One a penny, two a penny, Hot cross buns.
Give them to your daughter, Give them to your sons. One a penny, two a penny, Hot cross buns (x2) Playtime/P.E: Hokey Pokey GoNoodle
Tuesday 21st – Music: Recite nursery rhyme of the week. Spelling: Dad, red Revise words from Lost Ball. “Here is Max”. Phonics: New sound: “qu” listen to the song; up until 0:23. - Write “qu” in playdoh. Twinkl worksheet (Twinkl has free membership during school closure, you can avail of this free membership; Step 1: Go to Step 2: Enter the code CVDTWINKLHELPS), If you can print this off get your child to trace every qu and colour in the pictures of things that have qu in them. If you can’t print this off read through the sheet on an iPad or computer, and ask them to copy the qu words and draw the pictures of the qu objects. Maths: 3D Shapes - Video: 3D Shapes for kids – the singing walrus, ask your child to look around the house for any of the shapes. Reading: Read The Lost Ball page 1 and complete page 15 of Activity Book. Irish: Edco is making it possible for parents to download Bua na Cainte. However you will need a laptop and fast broadband as it is a huge file. If you decide to download it, the username is “trial” and the password is “trial”. Bua na Cainte is the Irish program in most of our classes in school. You can download it at If you can download it go onto “Sa Bhaile, Ceacht 1” listen to the amhrán, and then go onto the Scéal, and then complete play the games. Play Time: Jigsaw.
Wednesday 22nd- Spellings: top, six Music: Recite nursery rhyme of the week – and listen out for any rhyming words. Phonics: "qu” listen to the song; up until 0:23. - Talk about any words that have qu in it: Watch the video and discuss any words with qu. Write qu in free writing copy and ask your child to trace yours and then complete 3 lines of their own. After this ask them to show you their best qu, and get them to put a little line underneath it. Maths: Discuss any 3D shapes that they found yesterday. Then look at Cracking Maths pg.85, if you have these objects get your child to roll them and get them to circle the ones that roll. Religion: Before you watch this video look at last weeks page and discuss what happened during the last supper. Then watch the video Jesus Dies on the Cross (Copy and paste this into your browser). Complete Page 38 and then talk about page 39 in Grow in Love. Play time: Have a Teddy Bears picnic with 5 teddies - How many plates/cups etc. do you need?
Thursday 23rd- Spellings: him, hat Music: Recite Nursery Rhyme “Hot Cross Buns" – Listen and draw a picture about the song. Irish: Bua na Cainte app “Sa Bhaile, Ceacht 2” Listen to the song, the scéal, play the games, then complete Bua na Cainte page 36. Phonics: New sound, ou Go to 0:23. Practice writing ou in lots of different colours. Write some words that have “ou” in them. Read the twinkl “ou” spotter story with your child and get them to write out the “ou” words. Maths: Listen to Mother hen’s song again Then make a train out of 3D shapes and identify what shapes you are using. Writng and Colouring: Pre- Reading Activity Book page 58 and 59. Playtime: Make a house or apartment building out of bricks/blocks/lego
Friday 24th- Spellings: sad, hot Music: Reciting the nursery rhyme. Drawing their favourite part of the song, discuss the rhyming words again. Writing: Write about what their favourite thing to do today was. Using, “Today is Friday. It is April. Today I …..” or their favourite “Playtime this week”. Helping your child spell the words they wish to write, they can sound them out. Maths: Look at this poster on twinkl and talk about what 3D shapes they can see. Try and draw your own person using 3D shapes or copy one of the people on the poster. Irish: Call this out to your child: Try and let them figure out the Irish. Draw a “Teach” (house) with cúig fuinneoga (five windows) doras amháin (one door) díon amháin (one roof) agus dhá simléar (two chimneys). Colour the Teach buí (yellow) an doras donn (a brown door) na fuinneoga bán (white windows) díon oráiste (orange roof) agus simléar dearg (red chimneys). Reading: The Lost Ball page 2, Page 16 and 17 Activity Book. Art: Drawing Dandelions: Listen to this story about Dandelions and discuss it with your child: After this you can draw your dandelions like these ones: If you don’t have paint you can do this with pencils. If you like after this you can go for a “Dandelion Hunt” in the garden and try find some, or just discuss if you’ve ever seen them before and where. Play Time:
Thank you, Ms. Goldrick Hi Everyone, I hope you are all keeping well and are adjusting to the changes that have happened recently. We know that the current situation is tough on everyone, and its difficult to get things done with some parents still working, others working from home, kids at home and routine out the window. We do not want to add any stress or pressure on any child or family, so please do not worry if assigned work is not completed or if it is challenging for pupils. Everyone’s health and wellbeing is what matters most at this time, so please:
All pupils are encouraged to: 1. Watch RTE School on TV daily (11 – 12 o’clock) and complete activities/projects they set for your class level. (1st – 6th class) 2. Spend time every day reading something you’ll enjoy. 3. Do some Easter themed art of your own choosing – perhaps draw/colour an Easter bunny or Easter egg, or make one from materials you have at home. English Next unit of Spelling workbook for each class. - Use Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check method to learn spellings. - Put some words into sentences - Ask someone to test you at the end of the week.
1st Class Read and complete activities for unit 11 of Two Little Frogs 2nd Class Read and complete activities for unit 11 of The Green Genie 3rd Class Read and complete activities for A Way With Words, unit 12 4th, 5th and 6th Class Next unit in Reading Zone and written activities.
1st Class Practice skip counting in 2s to 20, and 5s to 50. Play money based games on Topmarks (don’t forget to choose ones that work with Euro) Tables (-3)
2nd Class Revise what we learned on money Play money based games on Topmarks (don’t forget to choose ones that work with Euro) Tables (-4)
3rd Class Revise what we learned on money Play money based games on Topmarks (don’t forget to choose ones that work with Euro), and complete daily 10 each day Tables (x11)
4 th, 5th and 6th Class Revision of previous topics covered Online maths games Revison of tables
I understand that many parents will find it challenging to support pupils with Irish. Encourage pupils to try their best but if it causes stress, don’t hesitate to leave it. If you do not know how to read/pronounce a word, try using or Watch a cartoon of your choice on Cúla4, at least twice in the week. Don’t worry about understanding the words – its still great to listen, and its kind of fun.
Litrigh É Linn (only for 2nd, 3rd , 4th, 5th and 6th class) An Teilifís – seachtain 1
1st and 2nd Class Complete p67 and p93 in Bua na Cainte. (Topics: An Teilifis and An Cháisc)
3rd Class Complete chapter on An Cháisc, p159 – 162. Don’t forget to use your C.D. to help you with the story.
4th Class Complete p133 – p135. Don’t forget to use your C.D. to help you with the story.
5th and 6th Class Complete p123 – p125. Don’t forget to use your C.D. to help you with the story.
Work for Senior Infants: 30th March – 3rd April 2020
Dear Parents,
Please find a pack of work for this week. If you don’t get everything done don’t worry, this is only a suggestion of a daily plan. Please do any written work in free writing copies. Everyday if you could go through the day of the week with your child, asking what day is it today, what month and what season.
Monday 30th – Phonics: Go through jolly phonic sounds on white card, with your child make some words and try to read them, writing these words into their free writing copies. Maths:Make sets of 5 from toys/cars etc. Complete number 5 formation sheets. Writing – Draw a picture of one thing you’ve done (e.g. watched my favourite TV show, played outside) today and write a sentence with your help. Irish: Easter Card colouring - “Cáisc Shona Duit!” – “Happy Easter!” Writing: “Today is Monday. It is March. Today I …………..” Reading: What A Mess! Music: Little Miss Muffet:
Tuesday 31st – Phonics: s letter formation worksheet. Find some items around the house that begin with s and draw them on the back. Maths: Trace number 5 in sand/soil/playdoh if you have any. Number 5 worksheet. Reading: Read What a mess! and write a sentence about what mum dressed up as. Irish: Page 59 Bua na Cainte
Wednesday 1st- Phonics: Make the letter c out of blocks/other objects/ toys, Onwards and Upwards page 1. Handwriting: Practice writing sight words list 1 in free writing copy. (Sheet). Maths: Easter dot-to-dot page. Science: Spring Hunt worksheet, in the garden if you can. Religion: The Last Supper video: (Copy and paste this into your browser). Page 36 and 37 in Grow in Love.
Thursday 2nd- Irish: Bua na Cainte page 60 Phonics: Find and draw three things around the house/garden that begin with c. Onwards and Upwards page 2 and 3. Maths: Sing: counting song with mother hen: Number six worksheet. Word Work: Look and read sight words list 2. Afterwards write these words into free writing copy.
Friday 3rd: Phonics: Online game Page 5 and 6 in Onwards and Upwards. Maths: Writing the number six. Writing: Write about what their favourite thing to do today was. Using, “Today is Friday. It is April. Today I …..” Helping your child spell the words they wish to write. Art: Worksheet, this can be pulled off and cut off.
Thank you, Ms. Goldrick
Work for Junior Infants: 30th March – 3rd April 2020
Dear Parents,
Please find a pack of work for this week. If you don’t get everything done don’t worry, this is only a suggestion of a daily plan. Please do any written work in free writing copies. Everyday if you could go through the day of the week with your child, asking what day is it today, what month and what season.
Monday 30th – Phonics: Go through jolly phonic sounds on white card, with your child make some words and try to read them, writing these words into their free writing copies. Irish: Easter Card colouring - “Cáisc Shona Duit!” – “Happy Easter!” Maths: Make sets of 2 toys/cars etc. Complete number 2 formation sheets. Writing: Draw a picture of one thing you’ve done (e.g. watched my favourite TV show, played outside) today and write a sentence with your help. Writing: “Today is Monday. Today I …………..” Music - Little Miss Muffet:
Tuesday 31st – Phonics:“s” letter formation worksheet. Find some items around the house that begin with s and draw them on the back. Maths: Easter dot-to-dot worksheet. Reading: Read look out teddy and write three words from the book into free writing copy. Irish: Bua na Cainte page 59.
Wednesday 1st- Phonics: Make the letter s out of blocks/other objects/ toys, “s” worksheet. Maths: Making sets of two and number 2 worksheet. Handwriting: Writing words on sheet into free writing copy. Science: Spring Hunt worksheet, in the garden if you can. Religion: The Last Supper video, copy and paste this link into your browser Page 36 and 37 in Grow in Love.
Thursday 2nd- Irish: Page 60 Bua na Cainte. Phonics: ‘a’ worksheet. Find and draw three things around the house/garden that begin with a. Maths: Sing; counting song with mother hen: Number three worksheet. Word Work: Look and read the words. Afterwards write these words into free writing copy.
Friday 3rd: Phonics: Online game a worksheet. Maths: Writing: Write about what their favourite thing to do today was. Using, “Today is Friday. Today I …..” Helping your child spell the words they wish to write. Art: Worksheet, this can be pulled off and cut up.
Thank you, Ms. Goldrick
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